Nodeschool rocks Hungary

the first ever Nodeschool event in Budapest

Gergely Nemeth
Javascript and the server


All my latest articles can be found at the RisingStack blog.

In the morning

Before people arrived, we formed the NodeBand: @slashdotpeter, @EggDice and @nthgergo. Too bad, only @EggDice can play the guitar.

As people started to arrive, we asked them, if they had Node installed on their systems: only 1 or 2 people needed help in the setup. Before each workshop, we had a short (10 minute-long) presentation explaining the very basics.

The venue was Prezi’s House of Ideas, thank you folks!

Before we started the first workshop, we asked the students, if they have used Javascript before. We created a small group of the ones, who have not, and gave them a short ‘Javascript for Dummies’, then they joined the rest.

After the presentations, our Gitter room was on the screen. We used it to copy-paste commands to and from it, also to announce lunch/beer breaks. It worked great!

Learning javascript

The attendees formed small groups on their own, and started work on the lessons — the mentors went from group to group, helped to solve the quests while also explaining basic concepts.


As it was a full-day event — thanks to Purpose Industries— we could give lunch to the participants. This was a great opportunity for getting to know each other even better.


In the afternoon

We started the second workshop: Functional javascript. This was much harder for many of the students — the mentors had to explain a lot.

Functional javascript workshop

In the evening

20 of the attendees joined us for beers at a nearby pub — it was a great place to discuss what happened during the day, what we should do better next time, how the participants felt themselves during the day.


It was really great to see, that almost everyone made it to the event, even on Saturday. As we talked with the folks, they told us, that they have learnt a lot, and will keep learning Node.js.

Thanks to every host / teacher for being kind and helpful during the whole day. It was a really inspiring and useful time. I personally can’t wait the next one. I would highlight the food which was also really nice. Keep up the good work!

We hope all the attendees share these thoughts, and will join us in the next months for an other session.



Gergely Nemeth
Javascript and the server

Engineering Manager | Built @RisingStack, @GodaddyOSS @BaseWebReact | Find me at