JavaScript Theory: function invocation patterns

Wojciech Trawiński
JavaScript everyday
3 min readSep 1, 2018


The notion of this appearing within a function’s or method’s body may be quite confusing for newcomers to JavaScript language. I started my programming journey with C++ and Java languages. When I first came across JavaScript I didn’t understand all the complaints about understanding this. It was obvious to me, based on C++ and Java experience, that this was simply an object upon which a method was called. However, in JavaScript language it’s only one out of the four possible function invocation patterns.


The main aim of today’s article is to get familiar with the four function invocation patterns available in JavaScript and understand what is kept under this variable in each case.

Constructor invocation pattern

One of the possible ways to create an object in JavaScript is to use constructor function.

In the above example, Car is a constructor function which can be used to create an object with brand and model properties. The function’s invocation is prepended with the new keyword. In this invocation pattern this object within the Car function’s body refers to a newly created object. After the function’s call, the object can be referenced with the aid of myFerrari constant.

Call/Apply invocation pattern

A JavaScript function has both call and apply methods available through its prototype. With the aid of the aforementioned methods you can explicitly indicate what is kept under this variable.

Here you simply supply the desired this value as the first parameter of the call method invoked on the logger function. If the logger function accepted arguments, you could provide them as the call method’s parameters following the first one which indicates this value.

Method invocation pattern

This pattern is the one I know from C++ and Java programming languages. It simply means that this is an object upon which a method was called.

In the above example, the error object has the log method which relies on this object to derive a message. Since the method is called upon the error object, this within the log method refers to the error object. Simple as that.

Function invocation pattern

The last pattern simply means that you call a function in the most ordinary way using round parentheses with no new keyword or dot operator.

If a function is invoked using the pattern, this within a function’s body refers to the global object (window if you run this code in a web browser).

However, if you use the strict mode, this value doesn’t indicate the global object, but it has undefined value.


If you know the four invocation patterns, you will know longer struggle with the question what is kept under this variable. There are only the four possibilities so you just need to recoginze the actual pattern.

The list of exceptions is as follows:

  • if you use an arrow function, the above rules doesn’t apply, since this within an arrow function is determined when a function is defined and is bound to the outer this value,
  • if you use the bind method available through a function’s prototype, this is bound to the provided value and it can only be changed if you call a function with bound this prepended with the new keyword.

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