Alternative libraries for Console.log() for your next JavaScript Project

Manish Mandal
JavaScript in Plain English
3 min readNov 12, 2020


If you are a JavaScript developer you must be using console.log() for debugging your JavaScript project. But do you know that there are some alternative libraries to console.log() . These libraries can be used in your next Node, React, Angular, or Vue projects. So let us see what are those libraries and how to use them.

1. Console

Console is a lightweight library that can be used as an alternative to console.log() . The best part about Console is that apart from supporting warn, info, log, or error method it also supports success, debug, and stress method.


Install : npm install Console or yarn add Console

Import: const Console = require("Console"); or import Console from "Console"

Terminal Output
Browser Output

2. Logdown

Logdown is a debug utility for the browser and the server with Markdown support, providing a single interface and a similar behavior between the browser and the server.

The best part about logdown is that you can pass the name of your module and it will return a decorated console.


Install : npm install logdown or yarn add logdown

Import: const logdown = require("logdown"); or import logdown from "logdown"

Note: Using isEnabled state the log method can be enabled or disabled.

Terminal Output
Browser Output

3. Consola

Consola is the most used logger libraries available for Node.js and Browser. It has 1.5 million downloads weekly. You can also pause or resume your logs with consola.


Install : npm install consola or yarn add consola

Import: const consola = require("consola"); or import consola from "consola"

Terminal Output
Browser Output

4. Ololog

Ololog is a library you can use to display your log messages in console with different styling. It supports text color, background color, italic, etc to display your log messages.


Install: npm install ololog or yarn add ololog

Import: const log = require("ololog"); or import log from "ololog"

Note: It’s not compulsory to use the configure method.

Terminal Output
Browser Output

Hope this article will be useful for your next JavaScript project.

Thanks for Reading

