ECMAScript 6 Modules in a Browser with Traceur

Yakov Fain
JavaScript Next
Published in
4 min readJun 14, 2015

ECMAScript 6 standardizes the syntax of modules. A module is simply a Javascript file that you can load either on the application startup or lazily on the as-needed basis. ES6 modules give you a complete control on what code to export to the external scripts and what to keep private to the module. Prepend a variable, a function, or a class definition with the keyword export, and all other scripts in your project can import the module’s API using the import keyword. For details of using modules, read this great post by Dr. Alex Rauschmayer.

But the ECMAScript 6 specification doesn’t define module loaders, which can be used both in the browsers and in the standalone JavaScript engines. Eventually all Web browsers will support the System object that knows how to import modules, but meanwhile you can use the polyfill ES6 Module Loader or, if you want to go fancy and ensure that your AMD and/or CommonJS modules are also loaded in a standardized fashion, go with the universal system module loader called SystemJS.

Since ES6 syntax is not fully supported by any of the modern browsers, you’d need to transpile the code from ES6 to ES5 using one of the transpilers such as Traceur or Babel. In this blog I’ll show you how to dynamically load ES6 modules in the Web browsers with auto-transpiling using Traceur. To run this example on your computer you’ll need to have node.js with npm installed.

First, you need to download and install es6-module loader in any directory by running the following npm command:

npm install es6-module-loader

Then create an application folder and copy the file es6-module-loader.js there (this is a minimized version of the loader that was downloaded by npm). Our sample application will have two additional files: moduleLoader.html and shipping.js. For simplicity I’ll keep all these files in the same folder.

Imagine that we develop an online store with a large code base. To avoid creating a monolithic application, we’ve split it into loadable modules. In particular, the module that handles shipping should be loaded only if the user clicks the Shipping button. Here’s the code of our “huge” shipping module:

Since I used the export keyword only in front of the ship() function, the function calculateShipptingCost() will remain private for the module and won’t be accessible from the outside. No need to implement the module design pattern with immediately-invoked function expressions, and no need to use a third-party framework like RequireJS.

The file moduleLoader.html includes a script that loads and uses the shipping module. In this example I use Traceur for the on-the-fly transpiling of the ES6 code to ES5 so it can run in any browser. Here’s the file moduleLoader.html:

In Line 5 we load the Traceur for transpiling. In line 6 we load es6-module-loader to support the Systemobject that will load the shipping module using the import() call when the user clicks on the button. The import returns the ES6 Promise object, and when the module is loaded, the function specified in then() will be executed. In case of an error the control goes to the function catch().

Inside the then() we print the message on the console and invoke the exported function ship(). After that we try to invoke the module’s function calculateShippingCost(), which will result in error because this function was not exported and remained private.

NOTE: When you have the inline script in the HTML file, you should use type=”module” to make sure that the Traceur transpiles it to ES5. Without it, the browser that don’t support the let keyword (line 14) and arrow functions (line 15) would complain.

To see this code in action you need to serve it using some Web server. I use WebStorm IDE for development, which comes with embedded Web server. Lets run moduleLoader.html in Google Chrome and open Chrome Developer Tools. This is my Chrome browser looks after I clicked on the button Load the Shipping Module:

Look at the XHR tab in the middle of the window. The HTML page has loaded shipping.js after I clicked on the button. The size of this file is small and making an additional network call to get it seems like an overkill. But if the application consists of 10 modules 500KB each, modularization with lazy loading makes sense.

At the bottom, on the console tab you see the message from the script in moduleLoader that the shipping module was loaded. Then it calls the function from ship() from the shipping module, and generates an error trying to call the function calculateShippingCost() as expected.

In the real-world projects you should integrate transpiling in the project build, but I just wanted to illustrate the ease of the transpiling in the Web browser without any additional preparations. Transpilers allow you to start programming in ECMAScript today.



Yakov Fain
JavaScript Next

Java Champion. Works as a Solutions Architect at Farata Systems