Iteration: A Gentle Introduction to Functional Programming

Tim Roberts
8 min readJun 10, 2017


Supersonic Speed — Claus Tom Christensen (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

The function of a computer is to manipulate information, […which is] fundamentally a matter of transformation

Joseph Weizenbaum | Computer Power and Human Reason

In Javascript understanding functional programming is becoming a necessity to quickly on-board and become productive thanks to React and Flux. But with Monad and Setoid groups, being able to grok FP concepts seems like a monumental task. In order to see the beauty of functional programming, let’s forget what we have heard about it and instead focus on a problem we need to solve in code and see how we can add functional programming ideas and concepts to help.

One of our tickets is to build an application that, given a list of people, will print out their names. Doing just enough to get it to pass tests, we come up with the following solution:

We create a for loop to go through the list , grabbing the person from the list, and printing their name property. This works for the predefined value list but what if we wanted to make it work for any array ?

We can wrap the for loop in a function and tell our worker that we will at some point in the future know what list is, like so:

Notice that all we did was move the for logic inside of a closure. We hid away the implementation details of how we iterate and print a list of names and named it something very descriptive, printNames, so that when we use it later on ( printNames(myList) ), we know what it does without needing to know the details of how.

We send the above code to our team lead and everyone is happy that they can use our function printNames anywhere they need to iterate over a list and print the name property of every object. But soon someone says “I want it to print their age instead of their name .” How would we do that?

Our first approach could be to copy the code of printNames, change to person.age and call it a day. But this breaks the DRY principle. We can see that printNames and printAges are basically the same idea but different expressions of that idea. To see what I mean, let’s describe our tasks in terms of our worker and instructions instead of code and logic.

For printNames, we are wanting to tell our worker: Given a list, I want you to iterate through the list, grab the current item from the list, and print the name property.

For printAges, we are saying: Given a list, I want you to iterate through the list, grab the current item from the list, and print the age property.

We see that those two instructions are nearly identical. To put it a different way, the steps involved in solving both of these problems are the same, it is the instructions to follow during those steps that change. Much like in our first example where we put the for loop inside of a function, we are keeping the overall how the same and only changing the what.

Knowing the above, let’s revisit printAges . In an abstract way, what we are trying to say is ‘For each items in a given list, perform some function’. Knowing that and stealing as much code as we can from printNames, we come up with:

We have created a way to describe to our worker how to do something instead of specifically what to do. All is right in the world and we get another PR merged.

A few tickets go by and during a code review we notice the following code:

We see an emerging pattern that our forEach function is being used for. Instead of simply doing something during each iteration, the above code is creating something. Not only that, it is dependent on state in an implicit manner.

What do I mean by implicit? With the above code, we are telling our worker that we will make sure it has all of the pieces, outside of its own world, in the correct place and labeled the correct name. Suppose that instead of the array being labeled ages we wanted it to be labeled personAges. What would happen when we call forEach(addToAges, list) ? What would we have to do in order to keep the contract with our worker that we will provide the necessary state outside of itself in order for it to function properly?

In the above, we would have to change the name for ages or names in two places which luckily are defined near each other. In a real code base, with thousands of lines of code, the implicit dependency between the function and the array might not be as clear. How can we make the dependency on the array explicit? Better yet, how can we describe the above without needing to know how it works and instead it Just Works? Like forEach, let’s try to define the what in an abstract way:

Iterate over a list and create a new list by transforming the values at each index.

Luckily for us, we already have this idea done, we just need to wrap it in a function like we did with forEach :

Notice how we are assigning the result of map to the names array instead of using map to affect the array. We have removed the implicit nature of the instruction and instead made it explicit that we are creating a new array from a list of values. But we still are repeating ourselves in the above code and breaking the DRY principle that started this journey.

On lines 10 and 12 above, we are defining getName and getAge as functions that, given an object, return the name and age property respectively. Just like before, let’s describe those instructions in an abstract way:

Given an object, return the property X

How can we describe to our worker the idea of grabbing some property off of an object without knowing the property name or the object itself? Just like we did with map or forEach: abstracting the how from the what:

const prop = (key, obj) => obj[key];

We want to grab some property, key, for a given object, obj. We can use the above to grab the name , age, or any other property from an object and it works exactly how we need it to. But when we try to use it inside of our map function, we run into an issue.

map is expecting some function that, given a single value, will return some value. prop is a function that, given two values, returns a value. How can we use prop inside of map? One way would be to re-write map to take in a key value but then we are tying map to the idea of prop. What we’re wanting is a way to give prop half of the information now, or partially apply it, and later have map give the rest of the information. Toying around with the idea, we create the following:

const prop = key => obj => obj[key];

Now, when we call prop('name'), the resulting value is a function. We can pass that function to map and be given the rest of the information. Just like we did with printNames, we are enclosing some information inside of a closure for our worker to use later on. Instead of our worker being dependent on outside information implicitly, it is dependent on the values that we give it along the way explicitly.

Using the above, let’s re-write how we get the names and ages:

Or to make the fact that prop('name') is a function even more explicit:

Similarly to how we partially applied prop and tied getting a given key to a function, we can partially apply map and tie a transformation function to it:

What if we sometimes want to call map or prop at times with all of the arguments and at other times feed them one at a time? For that, we’d need to create a helper function called curry , which naively looks something like this:

curry is a function that takes a function as an argument and then keeps returning functions until it is given all of the expected arguments.

The above shows how functional concepts like functional transparency and immutability apply to actual problems we face in our day to day tasks as developers. What the above doesn’t show, however, is how it makes it any easier on ourselves than using imperative or object-oriented. To see how functional programming shines there, we need to use a different definition of iteration: development iteration.

Being able to quickly iterate on an idea is the quintessential requirement for creating a product that sells. As Jamie Zawinski said:

If you spend the time to build the perfect framework…release 1.0 is going to take you three years to ship and your competitor is going to ship their 1.0 in six months and now you’re out of the game [because] someone else ate your lunch.

So how is it that functional programming helps us iterate more quickly on ideas? How can we ship v1 faster than our competitors that are using imperative or object oriented? First, we’re going to need one more helper function, compose that meets the following requirements:

Given n functions to start, we return a function that is expecting the initial value to start the calling with. Once given the initial value, it calls each function in reverse order passing it the previous result.

To see how we can use it, let’s look at a simple example:

Given the compose function, we finally have all of the pieces we need to see how easy it is to compose and extend functionality inside of a functional codebase. Building our application as small, composable functions like prop, curry, and uppercase we are free to solve the specifics of our domain ( formatting a name ) using common and shared methods. We have freed our solutions from the specifics of our problem and can instead focus on building lego pieces for other parts of our application to use.

Further, testing each of these functions becomes trivial: everything is based on the given input so we can test each function as a unit and know for certain that used anywhere it will behave as expected.

But how does it help you be more productive? By allowing us to reach the holy grail of programming: reusability. Joe Armstrong talks about how object-oriented programming languages lack reusability, about how you find yourself locked into a corner while trying to share solutions across instances or projects. However, looking at the above we can see that every function is dependent solely on its input and only cares about its output.

Once we have these lego pieces and need to solve domain specific problems, we can compose functions together, piping one function output into the next.

Functional programming is a deep topic that seem impossible for anyone to explain well. In fact, some have said that once you understand it for yourself you lose the ability to explain them to others. Hopefully instead of worrying about the what of functional programming, you have a clearer picture of why, and you’re excited to figure out the how in your next project.

If all of the helper functions seemed confusing, don’t fret! There are numerous packages/libraries that offer those helper functions and a whole bunch more for you. I suggest Ramda but I have heard amazing things about Lodash/fp. If you choose Ramda, you can even use their online sandbox and test out code and share with others which has been extremely helpful while trying to debug a function or get help with an idea.

About the Author: Tim Roberts is a kind, enthusiastic developer with great skills and a passion for mentorship. He enjoys traveling, speaking and appreciates great public transportation.



Tim Roberts

dev kid who likes to write in english instead of code