Debugging NodeJS with Atom Editor
After looking for a while for a node debugger on existing atom packages, just decided to create it myself xatom-debug. I have used other code editors but I always end using atom it is simple, quick and hackable. there is a great dedicated community of package creators.
XAtom Debug
This package is a integrated client which uses the V8 Debugging Protocol for NodeJS, and the Chrome Debugging Protocol for the browser. the current version does not support source-maps but I am looking forward to add that feature in a near future.
Install XAtom Debug with the following command:
apm install xatom-debug
Optionally you may want to use xatom-ui and xatom-syntax so the complete command would be:
apm install xatom-debug xatom-ui xatom-syntax
- In Atom editor quick breakpoints. Simply open the file and click on the line number to toggle the breakpoint.
- Open file reference on the line where it did break from the debug console by just clicking on the file path.
- REPL: use the console to enter the text to evaluate on the current frame or double-click a word in the editor.
- Schemes configurator by project. using the scheme editor you can specify wherever you want to run from a remote or specific target script.
- And much more :)
- Add action key bindings
- Improve console
- Adding watchers, backtraces, etc.
- Add Chrome debugger sourcemap support
This package is under development please use the following link: Atom Bugs Issues to report issues, ask questions or improvements.
Originally published at on August 5, 2016.