Tiny little JavaScript polling object

Guido Bellomo
Published in
1 min readDec 10, 2011

Few days I came across this situation where I had to check, at predefined interval, against a remote server for some conditions. So just for not having the setTimeout and setInterval ids hanging around my code, I wrapped everything in a small JavaScript object Poller.

It’s pretty simple: just configure any number of intervals, a callback in case of success, a callback in case of failure, and the function that checks the server

Each callback(), failback(), checkback() run in the Poller context, means that this operator points to the Poller instance.

A bunch of additional methods are available like: start(), stop(), restart(), next().

To do: implement Deferred pattern for the method that checks the server

Update: Update with a GitHub repository and support for deferred/promise.



Guido Bellomo

Director of Technology @ Citadel. Javascript developer and creator of red-bot.io