Freedom: A Strong Case for Crypto

Brandon Elliott
Javvy Crypto Analysis
9 min readFeb 13, 2019

I have lived a very “unconventional” life, to say the least. So, very few people on this planet can relate to me. This alienates and isolates one very quickly, constantly being judged by those who do not understand the trials and tribulations that are so beyond the average person’s realm of experience, that it borders on fantasy and paranoia to them. As a result, I have been blessed and cursed with the true vision and insight into how the world really works.

I have been waiting my whole life for a way to break my chains. Everything I chose to learn and experience has in some way prepared me for Crypto: security (CISSP), networking (CCNA), servers (MCSE+I), training (MCT), programming, database design, and dealing with regulatory issues in the finance sector, working with the Federal Reserve and Banker’s Banks.

Making cryptocurrency easy. Now, this is what I was born to do.

Over the past few years that I have been in and around the crypto community and speaking at crypto events, I have met enthusiasts and also naysayers who were vehemently opposed to crypto. For the latter, their typical “gotcha” questions are `what good is crypto?` and `what can it do that the US Dollar cannot do?`

I suppose those are fair questions, but they are easy to refute. Unfortunately, the ask-er doesn’t want them refuted. Typically, they only want to appear educated and profound.

The short answers are:

  1. There are many use cases for crypto, the biggest of which was to incentivize decentralized blockchain governance to a point of becoming a viable solution for decentralized transactions (not just as “money” but for all sorts of things, such as verifying the state of things; the transparency and accountability of things).
  2. Asking the casual crypto user and enthusiast what crypto can do that the US Dollar cannot is quite a good zinger! It really makes one think: “Sure, the US Dollar can do just about anything that bitcoin can do.” The argument that bitcoin does it faster and cheaper usually falls on deaf ears.

However, the zinger I send back to them is: `What can crypto NOT do that the US Dollar can do?` Now that answer is a bit more eye opening, because the US Dollar can be created (electronically or printed), out of control, by the Federal Reserve (just another Federal Bank, of which all prior Federal Banks failed). With bitcoin, specifically, there is a finite (21 million) number of bitcoins that will ever exist. This means that the United States will always be able to lower the value of citizen’s dollars, but crypto will always be based on supply/demand of a finite market pool.

So, there you have it, folks. The cold, hard truth. So, that’s the end of the conversation right? Wrong. Once a person has made up their mind about a controversial topic, it is damn near impossible to change their mind. Most people do not listen. They simply wait for their turn to spit their “facts” back. In many debates, neither side actually listens, which becomes a waste of time for all involved: both the debaters and any audience they may have.

What I have discovered is that it’s best to plant a seed and walk away.

How, you might ask?

I no longer answer the direct questions, as I did above. That will only come after I’ve gotten someone’s attention and see they have a genuine desire to learn more about this technology and its incredible potential.

I start by saying WE are not FREE.

What I do now is to guide the thought process by asking:

  1. Have you ever had any trouble with traditional financial institutions? What I mean is being questioned on why you want to withdraw your money or send it to a company or person to pay for something. Have you ever had to wait days or weeks to access your funds that you deposited? Have you ever had to wait days for approval to make a withdrawal? Have you ever had your bank accounts frozen or closed, without good reason?
  2. Have you ever had any trouble with insurance companies? Have you ever been denied insurance or “rated up” significantly but never given an adequate reason why? Have you ever been denied insurance or “rated up” significantly because you made a theft claim at any time in your life? If you were the victim of a theft, why then should you be punished for it?
  3. Have you ever had any trouble with the government? Have you ever been harassed by law enforcement? Have you ever dealt with government employees or officials who talked down to you, berated you, or generally treated you like you don’t matter to them? Just to be clear, you don’t. You don’t matter any more than what you can generate in tax revenue at a low-end job. Moving up the corporate ladder or launching a successful startup only happens for those who are “born into it” or who are so hard-headed and fearless that they forge ahead against all negativity, barriers, fear-mongering, and threat of punishment.
  4. Have you ever had trouble with identity theft, incorrect credit records, incorrect healthcare records, or any of the like? Too often there are inconsistencies to which WE are not allowed to view. They are OUR records and information, after all, right? But, WE are oftentimes not allowed to view them without significant hassle? After a mountain of effort, we may be allowed to view incorrect records but there is often nobody available to correct these inaccuracies or they take a very long time and many follow-up phone calls or in-person visits. Who has the time? God forbid you ever experience this, as I have on many occasions, because these inaccuracies almost always end up costing us more stress and money (just one more way to drain us) and fixing it will drive one mad.

Quick fun fact: Blockchain technology can fix all of these issues, with the right team driving the effort. I could fix it.

I have even had to prove my identity in-person and answer a dozen questions, over the course of an hour, to prove that the moderately sized transfer being sent to Honda Motor Corporation was not intended to fund terrorism. Terrorism! Sure, my children probably terrorized my wife in that Minivan, but that’s not a good enough reason to give me the third degree under the guise of “protecting our customers.” What about protecting ME? I still had to explain myself and prove myself to the bank inquisition. I get asked this A LOT and have to prove every single transfer I send now. Most times, they just close my accounts, regardless of what I say. It’s harassment, sure, but it will become more and more commonplace soon, for everyone. I guarantee it.

I live an unconventional life, so this happens often to me, especially now that I’m big into cryptocurrency. However, I see that others have been having more and more issues also. If you managed to answer “NO” to all of those, then God bless you, child. I hope you prepare yourself, because the time is coming.

These are not just United States problems. These are GLOBAL problems, and they are getting worse. The writing is on-the-wall. People have been patient and have tried to escape from reality (video games, MMORPGs, VR, reality TV, etc) and working hard just to remain complacent by spending fortunes on depreciating assets, such as overpriced vehicles, unfair insurance premiums, rising food costs, rising rent costs, rising housing costs, and lower quality of living. It seems as though people are complacent in a world where things are deteriorating right before our eyes. Prices of everything are going up, while quality of everything is going down. Scams abound, especially in the business world. So many “professionals” lie and never provide the promised service but will be quick to “sue”, if you don’t make good on your part of the deal.

I don’t even believe that claims of $500 Million raised by Company XYZ or $100 Million raised by ICO/STO ABC are true. I believe that these are lies; smoke-and-mirrors, if you will. They are spread by the media to make the average people think and feel a certain way. It puts people in the mindset of powerlessness. It creates the mindset of there being such a divide that it cannot be overcome. THEY want US to believe that they are so intelligent and so far out of reach that we never even try. The truth, however, is that the huge corporations are not really raising massive amounts of money or paying huge amounts for other companies, crypto-based or otherwise. Most likely they are getting “favors” of having those dollars “printed”, devaluing any dollars that the rest of US suckers are holding. Hodling US Dollars is a loser’s bet!

It’s only ever “the small guys” who have their feet held to the fire; held to an impossible standard. While all of the biggest scammers on Wall Street, bankers, insurance companies, major corporations, and governments are all allowed to break the rules without so much as a slap on-the-wrist. In fact, during the 2007/2008 housing bubble crash, the Bankers gave themselves BONUSES for a job well done! How many of you remember that?! They took taxpayer money and gave themselves BILLIONS in BONUSES! Who are the real bad guys here: A “criminal” who steals $25,000 from a bank or banks who stole $16.8 TRILLION from ALL OF US?! The bankers control the governments who, in turn, control the people. This is why the banks always win and the governments are never held accountable. Who loses? WE do.

These double standards have gone on long enough.

It is no secret that there is a THEM and there is an US.

How do you tell the difference? If you have to work a 9–5 to make ends meet or you have to worry about how you will pay your bills or put your kids through college or pay the auto repair bills, then you are US. The smaller buddy-buddy group (known as the 1%) knows who they are, because they are born without these concerns. Lucky THEM. Some of them end up growing up and feeling so guilty about the inequality that they are shunned and silenced, but most just become hardened and abuse their power and status to manipulate the rest of US to gain even more power and money. Do not be fooled. There is most definitely a THEM and an US. We are divided. When you hear groups saying we should all get along, it’s because it’s THEM trying to keep US from an uprising. It is all a power play.

Launching Javvy, a startup that threatens to disrupt the entire global financial system, has proven to me that I was right all along about how the world really works and how dark things have really become. The reason is that dark-minded individuals are in control of our lives and our futures. If we ever fall outside of the system, our unconventional methods will be attacked by a system that is designed to keep us in line. This is generally not a targeted attack on any one of US, but the system is geared to identify and neutralize threats to their power and authority. I won’t belabor that point in this letter, but I will say that we have to make a change. We are capable. We must believe in ourselves and our power. Everything has been geared to make us afraid, but we do not need to fear. We can make a difference… together… with crypto.

However, the biggest takeaway from this letter should be that living in this system, where WE are dependent upon the legacy banking system, will not work. When THEY hold our money, control what we do with it, monitor every action, and have the authority to simply take it whenever they like; it strips us of our freedom. The way to true freedom is to no longer trust THEM with our money. Their argument is that it is THEIR money; that we are blessed enough to borrow. This is precisely the reason why the future of “freedom money” must be something trustworthy and outside of a corruptible system under government and banker control. The future of “freedom money” is crypto!

Clap, if you want to be FREE!! 👏

What am I doing with “Freedom Money?”
Everyone interested in crypto knows that no truly easy way to buy, sell, and manage all major cryptocurrencies within a simple, secure application exists yet. I have had twelve(12) exchange accounts and seven(7) wallets to do what I need in crypto! It seems hard to believe that nobody has come out with a usable solution in almost a decade, but there are agendas and reasons why that is true. Many have claimed to be working on a solution, but dig deeper and see that they are all vaporware or raised money and never delivered. However, Javvy has a solid, qualified team (we put ourselves out there!) that is pioneering the way forward to deliver the first truly easy solution.

Check Javvy out at:

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Brandon Elliott
Javvy Crypto Analysis

Javvy is the Exchange + Wallet you've been waiting on! Buy, sell, convert, use & manage all major cryptocurrencies in a single, powerful, intuitive wallet.