Javvy And Its Competitive Landscape

The Collective
Javvy Crypto Analysis
2 min readNov 28, 2018

With the recent media attention swirling around Javvy, many people are becoming aware of their dynamic technology very quickly. However, most don’t know how Javvy has intelligently positioned itself against existing crypto exchanges and wallets, or about the fact that they already have a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) which was launched in July 2018.

At first glance, the idea of Javvy may appear to be just another run-of-the-mill crypto, but dig a little deeper and you will notice a number of interesting key points that sets it above its competitors in a number of areas.

1. Built-in exchange aggregator (always the most liquidity at the best rates)

2. Banking bridge to support buying and selling with national currencies (Fiat)

3. Supports crypto-to-crypto conversion & whitelisting for ICO/STO participation

The image highlights some of the key differences between the Javvy ecosystem and some other crypto exchanges already in existence.

As the crypto space continues to expand, we are starting to see other companies who claim they will also be able to offer similar functionality as Javvy. Under normal circumstances this can be seen as a positive as we continue to strive for mass adoption, however, if we dig a little deeper it becomes apparent how different these other entities are.

With a functional crypto wallet already released and an ICO underway, Javvy is pushing forward with a qualified team of security, compliance, regulatory, and coding professionals that is leading the way to deliver the first truly easy, all-in-one crypto solution.

In contrast, Javvy’s closest competitor is a full 6 months behind with their wallet release, which in turn will undoubtedly require an additional round of bug fixes before it is fit for the general public (a process already completed by the Javvy team).

Whilst Javvy is utilizing a wallet front-end with a decentralized back-end, their nearest competitor is relying on an in-house stable currency. Even though stable coins have become very popular during 2018’s bear season, it must be highlighted that their reliability, as we have seen with USDT, has come under scrutiny. The backing required to provide stability to these crypto currencies is extraordinary, and any endpoint failures can cause catastrophic consequences for the project.

The choices available to crypto enthusiasts for the exchanges and wallets they use are vast and growing at a significant rate. Educating users on the best and safest choices, unfortunately doesn’t receive as much attention as it should, even though many have fallen victim to either failed projects and/or exit scams. However, Javvy’s team, through their ‘Javvy Protocol’ are bringing to light these differences, and are certainly very visible on the radar of the crypto professionals of today.



The Collective
Javvy Crypto Analysis

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