Javvy Sponsors “Product Hunt Atlanta” Meetups

Brandon Elliott
Javvy Crypto Analysis
5 min readFeb 11, 2020

Down, but not out… Javvy begins to exit ‘stealth mode’ by supporting more local tech and crypto-related events!

Product Hunt Global Event (Atlanta, GA Chapter) on 01/28/2020 @ InfoMart

For our first post in just under a year, we want to send out a BIG thanks to our many loyal followers and supporters. You are what keeps us going strong, despite the setbacks and delays! You are what makes the struggle worthwhile!

And remember… the struggle is real. lol

For those who follow Javvy’s progress on Twitter or in our huge, and growing, Javvy Telegram community; it is already known that Javvy has been operating in stealth mode for the past year. In a nutshell, the reasons why are many, and our arduous journey has involved such craziness as corporate espionage to sabotage to attempted extortion to hacking to blatant theft by companies such as Google (‘Do no evil’, yeah right!), 10clouds, Edison Awards, and others. Going into ‘stealth mode’ allowed us to stave off much of the ridiculousness and regain focus on our primary objective: redefining the future of finance.

However, this post isn’t a reflection on the trials of the past. It is an uplifting look to the future! And that future is about to get a lot brighter! We, at Javvy, certainly haven’t been sitting around, idle, during the past year; although it may seem that way from the lack of public activity. On the contrary, we have been carefully and methodically weeding out bad actors, establishing key partnerships, building a world-class secure development infrastructure (on the level of Microsoft, Apple, Uber, and the like!), and overhauling our entire codebase to support our long-anticipated upcoming v1.1.0 release.

Commits by Brandon Elliott, CEO, alone (other DEVs made many more!) — busy busy!

Over the past few years, we have also been very active in the local tech scene in Atlanta, GA, our corporate hub in the States. We have been sponsoring cryptocurrency, blockchain, and tech events, such as ‘Product Hunt Atlanta.’

PHA event, August 2019, in the “Community Center” @ ATV (Atlanta Tech Village)

As many of you may already know, Product Hunt is a huge community of techies and consumers who get together to vote on their favorite hot, new tech gadgets, gear, products, and services. Javvy is proud to be a sponsor of these successful events of the Atlanta, GA chapter, which has over 2,850 followers and typically draws more than 50 attendees (and growing) each month!

Great turnout for our PHA event in September 2019 @ ATV (Atlanta Tech Village)

Product Hunt’s Global Meetup Event (01/28/2020)

On January 28th, 2020, though, Product Hunt held a global meetup event that included over 70 local meetups around the world! Javvy and Product Hunt Atlanta (PHA) were both proud to take part of this incredible event. We gave out prizes (Newk’s gift cards, swag from Product Hunt), enjoyed great food and drink (thanks to our venue sponsor, InfoMart), and had a wonderful time engaging with everyone who attended.

Those who attended were great company, and we even decided to hold an ad-hoc pitch contest. We chose three startups from the audience and gave them five (5) minutes to pitch, afterwards giving constructive feedback, allowing for Q&A, and then voting for the best idea! We all had a great time and look forward to hosting and sponsoring future events like these!

Enjoy more photos from the global meetup event, below… We hope to see you at one of our events soon…!

Yummmm! We typically have pizza, sandwiches, beer, and more!
InfoMart swag bags that also contained Product Hunt and Javvy swag!

About Product Hunt Atlanta

The Atlanta, GA, USA chapter of Product Hunt meets monthly, on the 2nd Tuesday of every month, at our current home at ATV (Atlanta Tech Village). If you’d like to pitch your idea, register here: http://phatl.com. If you’d like to RSVP for our next event, check us out on Meetup.com or Product Hunt’s own Meetups page! See you soon! :)

About Javvy

What am I doing with “Freedom Money?”
Everyone interested in crypto knows that no truly easy way to buy, sell, and manage all major cryptocurrencies within a simple, secure application exists yet. I have had twelve(12) exchange accounts and seven(7) wallets to do what I need in crypto! It seems hard to believe that nobody has come out with a usable solution in almost a decade, but there are agendas and reasons why that is true. Many have claimed to be working on a solution, but dig deeper and see that they are all vaporware or raised money and never delivered. However, Javvy has a solid, qualified team (we put ourselves out there!) that is pioneering the way forward to deliver the first truly easy solution.

Check Javvy out at: https://javvy.com



Brandon Elliott
Javvy Crypto Analysis

Javvy is the Exchange + Wallet you've been waiting on! Buy, sell, convert, use & manage all major cryptocurrencies in a single, powerful, intuitive wallet.