When Will Crypto Rise Again?

Brandon Elliott
Javvy Crypto Analysis
5 min readNov 25, 2018

Cryptocurrency price prediction for 2018 and 2019… read on…

I have been too busy launching the Javvy Crypto Solution to write an update to my “Crypto Bloodbath” article before now. However, this week has triggered some interesting signals, which I wanted to share…

Cryptocurrencies will rise again! The story is not over…

If you read my last article, written back in June of this year (2018), you’ll know that I insisted that another huge crypto market crash was coming. In fact, I welcomed it, because I wanted to buy back in cheaper (after selling for huge gains earlier in the year), and I wanted the price low for Javvy’s upcoming ICO. I remained steadfast in my belief, despite so many people telling me that I was going to “miss out” if I didn’t buy in right then. However, that sanguine and overly bullish attitude is one of many factors that had me hold the line.

Instead, I put my BUY triggers at sub-$200 for ETH and sub-$5,000 for BTC (increasing in quantity all the way down to $1,200 BTC). So, as you may have noticed, the market crashed over 50% in the past two weeks (with pockets of cryptos losing more than 80% of their value)! This massive drop has triggered many of my BUY orders, which I’m OK with, because I firmly believe that crypto has the potential to become the future of finance. However, it won’t get there with the existing wallets and exchanges. So, my resolve to keep my buy orders was only strengthened by the fact that Javvy went viral recently and our community has grown so strong and supportive that I feel Javvy is poised to bring about mainstream adoption of cryptocurrency far more quickly.

Investing everything I could get my hands on into Javvy was how I invested in my vision and my family’s future. However, because of Javvy, I felt empowered to also jump back in to invest in cryptocurrency itself.

Now, let me share with you the signals that have me believing that we’re near the bottom for crypto prices as compared to FIAT currencies:

  • We have seen a huge amount of negativity surrounding cryptocurrencies and ICOs in the past few months
  • There is still no easy way to buy, sell, and use cryptocurrency for the masses (though Javvy will change that!)
  • There are some major initiatives coming that will eventually be approved and generate a paradigm shift to positive news (EFT approvals, Bakkt, well-defined regulatory guidelines, et cetera)
  • My gut tells me that crypto is way oversold (and my gut has never steered me wrong over the long-haul… haha)
  • And most importantly, I have been approached by several people in the past week, all of whom asked me how they could get out of crypto, because they have lost faith

Now, that last one might have you scratching your head wondering what is wrong with me, mentally. Others of you may know that I am a staunchly contrarian investor. When everyone is buying, I’m looking for a good point to sell. In fact, this year, there were times when I walked away with a monthly 30% profit, only to watch as I missed out on a 200% additional profit! C’est la vie. I tend to play it safe rather than go for broke.

In contrast, when everyone is jumping ship and running for the hills, I begin buying in as the market crashes to the ground. Now that I see some people are giving up after seeing their 10x gains come back to where they started, I believe we are close. That said, we may see another big drop due to a mass sell-off by those who have lost their faith, before we see the ultimate rebirth of the crypto market, but we are relatively close to the bottom.

My message to those who asked my opinion was that it makes no sense to sell after an 80% loss, because you chose to risk those funds in the first place and didn’t rely on them to survive. So why sell for peanuts, just because your acorns grew into oak trees only to fall back to the ground? This is not the end of the story for crypto, I assure you. Those who are scared may cause another wave of price declines, but I don’t care what the price of crypto is against FIAT currencies, because I care nothing for the broken, legacy financial system that has run the world for the past one hundred years.

So, even though I waited and bought in after the major drops; I’m still down a good 35% or so, overall. And, no, that doesn’t bother me one bit. I am thrilled that I had one last (my opinion) opportunity to acquire several BTC and ETH and various altcoins. With these, I feel that my financial future is secured, and Javvy will help, even more, by creating generational wealth off of crypto transaction fees, for everyone involved.

The crypto tide has gone out.

Will you be riding the waves when the crypto tide comes roaring back in?

Everyone in crypto knows that no truly easy way to buy, sell, and manage all major cryptocurrencies within a simple, secure application exists yet. I have had twelve(12) exchange accounts and seven(7) wallets to do what I need in crypto! It seems hard to believe that nobody has come out with a usable solution in almost a decade, but there are agendas and reasons why that is true. Many have claimed to be working on a solution, but dig deeper and see that they are all vaporware or raised money and never delivered. However, Javvy has a solid, qualified team (we put ourselves out there!) that is pioneering the way forward to deliver the first truly easy solution.

Keen to find out more about Javvy? The time is now to participate in a solution poised to disrupt the crypto industry. Join our cryptocurrency solution revolution conversation on our Telegram channel and follow us on Twitter. :-)



Brandon Elliott
Javvy Crypto Analysis

Javvy is the Exchange + Wallet you've been waiting on! Buy, sell, convert, use & manage all major cryptocurrencies in a single, powerful, intuitive wallet.