Musicians Should Think of their Music like Stocks

Musicians need to start thinking about diversification and handle their creations like a stock portfolio

Jacqueline Jax
Jax Daily


Photo by Ishant Mishra on Unsplash

Todays musicians need to be more savvy than ever before with their music portfolios. The internet has grown to become a massive network that runs deeper than ever imagined yet musicians still remain on the surface never looking past that glossy upper layer.

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Are you diversified?

Musicians need to start thinking about diversification and handle their music like a stock portfolio.. Spread out over streaming sights, radio, podcast, music blogs, image sourcing and social media. (Message @avaliveradio for a solid strategy today.. )

According to the Global Music Subscribers Market shares for 2021: (reference: midiaresearch)

The music industry’s growing obsession with declining ARPU will continue to colour the outlook for the global streaming market in revenue…



Jacqueline Jax
Jax Daily

Radio Host @AVALIVERADIO ❤️ Journalist ❤️ Top Music writer on Medium- Top 5% music podcasts on Spotify. You’ll find inspiration here.