5 reasons to start merge-mining Jax.Network

by Maryna Trifonova, Head of Content at Jax.Network

Jax.Network Blog
3 min readJul 16, 2021


Miner’s input is critical for the stable operation of any blockchain network. Therefore, businesses create different incentives for miners in order to make them support their network. Keeping that in mind, Jax.Network offers a package of benefits for the miners who choose to merge-mine our network. Here are 5 reasons why you should consider switching to Jax.Network.

Number 1: smooth transition

If you have already tried to mine different cryptocurrencies, you should know that it’s an easy task to start mining another network. You already have your mining hardware and Bitcoin wallet, so all you need to do is simply download the Jax.Network mining program to your computer. As you see, the process is quite fast and easy.

Number 2: increased profit

You may wonder why to merge-mine Jax.Network if you are already mining Bitcoin. The reason is increased profit. With us, you get not only Bitcoin block reward and Bitcoin network transaction fees but JAXNET block reward and transaction fees of all three coins. It’s true that merge-mining has a slightly bigger electricity consumption but we compensate that generously with JAXNET coins that miners get almost for free.

Number 3: stable income

The volatility of Bitcoin has been a major issue for miners, as their profits directly depend on the currency’s performance. By merge-mining Jax.Network, we give BTC miners a chance to build long-term business models based on predictable transaction fees. As our JAX coin issued on a beacon shard retains its stable value, miners will always be able to expect a stable income.

Number 4: early adoption

Just imagine how rich you would be if you started mining Bitcoin back in 2009, when it was first introduced. You would be a millionaire at least if not a trillionaire. Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin, is estimated to possess around 1 mln BTC. Take the current price of BTC and do the math. By merge-mining Jax.Network, we offer you a chance to become an early adopter and get a higher ROI. And with the inevitable growth of our network, the miners who don’t merge-mine Jax.Network along with BTC will be at a disadvantage.

Number 5: revolutionary global payment ecosystem

Jax.Network aims at making our native JAX coin a universal standard for the quantification of economic value. We want to bring an inexpensive, fast, and stable digital currency that allows performing cross-border transactions and day-to-day payments easily. That will help people, especially those living in countries with high inflation, to protect and save their money. Our team believes that our technology will become a game-changer on the payments market. Will you become a part of this revolution? It’s solely up to you.


To sum it up, we argue that our technology benefits miners greatly, as we provide a large package of different incentives, from gaining more asset coins to predictable transaction fees. And we also bring value to people, meaning that we are here, in this business, pursuing not the money but rather Satoshi Nakamoto’s dream of bringing a truly decentralized and cheap electronic cash to the world.

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