A New Caption That Works for Every New Yorker Cartoon

Jay Mahabal
Jay’s Blog
Published in
2 min readSep 23, 2015


The Atlantic had a great article on how some captions, some how, manage to work for every single New Yorker cartoon. There was a new great one thought up recently, “Hi, I’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.” It even worked for the classic:

This is really interesting, because it actually does work for every single cartoon. Take a few from the most recent New Yorker:

Very accurate. Why does the caption work so well? It’s because the New Yorker as part of what it is and who the audience is almost exclusively focuses on people, and as such the cartoons reflect this. Moreover, LinkedIn is a symptom of our increasingly connected and networking society and it isn’t that far of a stretch to ask far-flung connections for endorsements. That’s why the caption works: because it is grounded in reality.



Jay Mahabal
Jay’s Blog

data viz enthusiast / bad-ass creative tech. prev @UCBerkeley, @h2oai, @akqa.