Hot Sex Without Meth: 5 Tweaker Transition Tips

Clean & Crazy Drug-Free “Tweaks” For Gay Men In Recovery

Jaye Johnson
4 min readAug 2, 2013


One-off quips about tweakers are some of saddest jokes around. BFD, you clocked a tweaker…BULLY for you.

Folks recognize telltale signs indicating some guy’s tweaking, not even realizing his next stop could very well be contracting HIV/AIDS.

In 2006, 43% of all new HIV infections reported at the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center were individuals who had used meth. That’s almost half!”

LA Gay & Lesbian Center

Fancy yourself to be a social media addict? You’re getting off lucky, then: it’s just another First World Problem.

Sadly, another much less fabulous First World Problem affecting the gay community in particular is crystal meth addiction. Meth user statistics are chilling, and gay and lesbian centers across the U.S. continue to report findings as devastating as those cited above.

You’ve probably already seen those Faces of Meth public service ads around (if you haven’t yet, prepare for a mind-blowing wake up call when you visit).

Before and After ad campaigns are effective, but can’t quite seem to match the momentary, sexy highs that meth provides.


Tina (a.k.a. Bristol, Chrissy, meth, crystal methamphetamine) is still cheap, still in high demand, and still an essential weekend party favor for gay men. Yup: Chrissy’s still the unofficial gay boy’s aphrodisiac with diminishing returns.

Let’s review: gay male active meth users are at the highest risk for contracting HIV/AIDS. This fact can’t be emphasized or repeated enough.

If you or someone you know is using (read: abusing) meth, times have changed: you don’t have to sit through dull, monotone, droning lectures in order to get treatment.

Thanks to pioneers like The Red Hot organization and, LGBT health activists continue to meet people where they are, while making sobriety downright delicious.

That’s right: RECOVERY IS HOT. Presence of mind is sexy, if you let it be.

Here Are 5 Helpful Tweaker Transition Tips:

1) Get Curious.

When you’re abusing drugs or helping someone get clean, cleaning up the denial is your first job.

Meth users are convinced they’re hotter than Iron Man and stronger than Superman. That’s when condoms and getting sober become like Kryptonite. Guys might not even think they need help.

Just start asking questions: it sets reasoning and healing in motion.

Examples: “When you’re feeling like shit, where do all your fair-weather party friends go?”

Or, “O.D.’ing on meth can happen over time…did you know that? You could be overdosing right now.” Another prompt: “Think about how you really feel after taking meth instead of how you think it’s going to feel.” Try not to make them feel guilty. Just ask earnest questions.

2) Get Online.

Research helps. There are many meetups, videos, celebrations and organizations that can make sobriety fun. Here are just a few: clean and crazy meetups, queer and sober celebrations, and the blog. LGBT centers (whether or not you live in the area) are always extremely helpful for folks seeking recovery assistance (

3) Get on The Phone.

Health and healing isn’t just an “Interwebs” thing. Call a friend or ally you know you can trust. Call an LGBT Center (again, it doesn’t have to be local to you) or call the GLBT National Help Center National Helpline at 888-THE-GLNH (888-843-4564).

4) Get Offline!

Stay busy. Do other stuff (note: you don’t have to “be in recovery 24/7). Anything that’s not ab/using drugs counts. Exercise in community (, or just be out and about. Connect with sober organizations and reconnect with or find friends who will still love you when you’re clean and crazy, or queer and sober. Circulate.

5) Get Real.

Be kind with yourself and give yourself a break. Whether you’re helping someone get clean or in recovery yourself, the journey takes courage.

As an ally, at the end of the day, some guys aren’t going to want help, period. But they might remember the helpful encouragement you shared later on, when they needs it most and are finally ready to listen and take action.

Too, relapses happen. Now more than ever, gay-friendly support is available. When you’re healing, embrace all help available, because you don’t have to heal alone. Show yourself a little extra love for taking the best care of yourself that you can.

You’re family. We need you. Stay healthy.

(The first draft of this piece was originally created for “Gay Agenda” magazine.)

Jaye Johnson is a social media & content manager (plus: VA and writer, ‘natch). If you’re looking to connect with an LGBTQ-inclusive editorial assistant and/or manager for content curation (a.k.a. White Hat editorial SEO, social shares and ghost-tweeting), PR help, “content massage,” admin assistance and overall good vibes, she welcomes you to get in touch.



Jaye Johnson

#SocMed Connector, Content Mgr.,Creatrice. I Love Sharing What’s Essential & Lovely. #fem2 | #eLearn · Building #LGBTQIA-focused biz | Come say hi.