Mérida — Mexico

Madhava Jay
Published in
3 min readDec 26, 2017

Ancient temples, local culture and Dia de los Muertos in the heart of the Yucatán!

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Unfortunately we arrived on the last day of Festivities but managed to catch this Dia de los Muertos dance in the town square.

The Mcee told the crowd how the ritual was a mix of Mayan and Christian cultures

We got some good practise with dark lighting and constantly moving targets and managed a few passable shots, but it was difficult and we were shooting from behind a bunch of dignitaries who all insisted on taking crappy photos (says the Amateur photographer) with their phones making it difficult to get a clear shot of the dancers.

The dancers wonderful to watch and performed with impressive synchronicity

The streets of Mérida at night were dark and gloomy. I really like the way light from the street traffic shined across the Brushed Metal of the pavement medallion.

We did a tour to the ancient Uxmal temple and Kabah complexes. The weather held out and the blue sky gave a nice contrast to the yellow sand stone temple bricks.

It was amazing to be able to walk around the Uxmal complex and really get up close and personal at Kabah with the ancient stones
However, too many Archaeological sites can give you Temple Fever

Back in town we caught a live music and dance performance. The dancers had plates of drinks on their heads and kept moving faster and faster to the music. Finally this young dancer started spinning around and around as fast as possible until finally a bunch of glasses smashed on the ground. The crowd went mental!

Oh no… everyone is looking at me!

Next Up

Tulum — Mexico
Azure water, white sands, octopus tacos, mayan ruins and fresh water cenotes. Tulum calls. If not now. When?



Madhava Jay

Full Stack & Mobile Developer, Amateur Photographer; ML/AI Wanna Be!