Future of Performance Management — Elevate!

Saima Yawar
Jazz Careers
Published in
3 min readNov 18, 2019

Managing successful teams and delivering solid results is done best through concrete data points and well-thought out frameworks. In today’s day and age, efficiency and effectiveness in decision-making is met through data analysis rather than following whims, assumptions, or hypothetical cases.

In continuation of its pursuit for performance excellence, Jazz recently launched a completely radicalized performance management framework — Elevate. Elevate is a disruptive platform which is aimed at enabling dynamic, empowering, and data-driven performance conversations within the organization.

Elevate offers a respite from the legacy mindset, leaving behind annual performance ratings and bell curves which create a environment of competition rather than collaboration. Elevate is designed with the focus on empowerment and continuous betterment. The platform empowers the users with instant feedback, real-time performance dialogue, and dynamic goal setting.

Through Elevate, users get to set SMART Goals which are dynamic and can be accessed anytime throughout the year — compared to the start of the year, static goal-setting. With the help of the Feedback section, users can share real-time feedback across goals, values, and role expectations to/from line manager, direct reports, and peers. In order to ensure leadership development, Scorecard feature is available to people managers allowing visibility on his/her progress around team development, recognition, well-being, diversity, and values.

The unique selling proposition of Elevate is its feedback system — where real-time feedback from multiple stakeholders ensures real and profound discussions. The data points available in the system for measuring performance allow for data-driven reward and recognition decisions. Such visibility and transparency further promotes the spirit of truthfulness. Elevate is launched for both the desktop and mobile versions, allowing on-the-go access and seamless user experience.

Elevate was launched after having listened to the feedback from its key resource — people. Before the Elevate framework was developed, various focus group discussions throughout all the offices were conducted to ensure that user experience and feedback is taken in to account. After fine tuning the output, Elevate was first pilot-launched to a select audience and further improved. The nationwide launch of Elevate was met with great response and positive feedback.

Elevate is about a journey of growing together, enabling Jazz to venture ahead with it attracting and growing the best talent!



Saima Yawar
Jazz Careers

Looking after Employer Branding & Culture at Jazz