Living your best life with Jazz Fit!

Saima Yawar
Jazz Careers
Published in
3 min readNov 27, 2019

At Jazz, wellness is central to ensuring productive, energized employees who relentlessly help achieve organizational goals and focus on personal development as well. In the same vein, we have launched Jazz Fit!

Jazz Fit is a holistic employee wellness program, rooted in the SEMP model: social, emotional, mental, and physical well-being. The program was launched across major locations with an information session by the wellness consultant, summed up by a fun push-up competition.

Under the Jazz Fit ambit, many other programs have been carried out so far. The best aspect of Jazz Fit is that everything is digital — employees can access events, registrations, and information through a dedicated online portal.

Focused on physical health, Breast Cancer Awareness Week was celebrated to increase awareness around the causes and necessary health checks. More than 200 female employees attended the sessions, both in person and online.

On the emotional and mental wellness front, in-house counseling services are being provided to help employees cope with work and personal life stress. The counseling services began with an Open House session to inform employees about benefits of counseling and tactics to manage stress. The counseling services are available through in-person, online or phone consultations, to ensure ease and access for our employees.

For physical well-being, Wellness Talk was organized to raise awareness on the nutritional aspect and practices. Other activities for physical wellness include events like Jazz Run, Jazz Hike, Football tournament, dental health camp, health scan camp, flu shot camp, and defensive driving.

Jazz Fit has been met with tremendous response, with around 1500 employees who participated in these events nationwide. More tournaments and exciting events are lined up for December and 2020!

With a revolutionary wellness program like Jazz Fit, we aim to ensure that we help employees discover their true potential and be their best at everything, be it personal or professional life. Jazz is on its way to empower its people to #LiveHappyLiveWell!



Saima Yawar
Jazz Careers

Looking after Employer Branding & Culture at Jazz