How to Overcome Your Nerves

Jared Taylor
Jared Taylor
1 min readMar 25, 2018


The next time you feel nervous about something, whether it’s asking someone out on a date, before giving a big presentation, or anticipating a 5 o'clock meeting with your boss…

Try feeling into the nervousness.

Investigate. Be curious. Where does the feeling manifest in your body? What does it feel like?

Though it may be tempting to, don’t wish the feeling away. And don’t judge yourself for feeling this way in this moment.

When I’m nervous, my mouth becomes dry. My heart rate increases. I feel a soft, cool energy radiating from my chest throughout my body.

The last time I felt this way, I accepted it. I leaned into it.

What happened next was not logical.

The feeling softened. It deflated.

It didn’t go away entirely. But it lost its grip — its power.

This is what happens when you accept unpleasant feelings. Pretty cool, huh?

It’s counterintuitive, because we’re trained to resist unpleasant feelings. But resisting usually strengthens it.

Next time you feel nervous — or any unpleasant feeling — give this a try. And report back!



Jared Taylor
Jared Taylor

Employee experience at Edelman. Organizational psychologist. Mindfulness teacher. Student of life. Human being.