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That’s Not The Way We Do Things Around Here

Jared Taylor
Jared Taylor
Published in
1 min readJan 21, 2018


If your organization strives for mediocrity, by all means, allow this phrase to be spoken in your conference rooms, hallways, and offices.

Of course, every organization with half a brain is asking their employees to innovate. To disrupt the status quo. To be the change they want to see!

Yet when many employees present a new idea— when trying to do the very thing they’ve been asked to do — they’re met with this phrase. It’s a repugnant one. The He Who Shall Not Be Named of organizational one-liners.

If you really want to disrupt the status quo, this line, or any derivative of it — should never be tolerated inside the walls of your organization.

Instead, replace it with, “The way we do things around here is to question everything.”



Jared Taylor
Jared Taylor

Employee experience at Edelman. Organizational psychologist. Mindfulness teacher. Student of life. Human being.