We Need More Artists

Jared Taylor
Jared Taylor
Published in
3 min readJul 14, 2014


We need you.

Inside of each of us is an artist with something bold to contribute to the world.

It sounds absurd. But it’s not.

If you’ve already decided you’re not an artist, you’re wrong. And it’s probably because you don’t know the new definition of art.

The New Oxford American Dictionary defines art as:

The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.

Everything after “typically” is no longer true.

Look at history. Art used to fit into two categories: fine and industrial art. Then came painting, sculpture, architecture, music and poetry. And then dance, acting, film, photography, fashion, lighting, interior design and animation.

Now the possibilities are endless.

It’s not art if the world (at least a tiny portion of it) isn’t transformed in some way. And it’s not art if it’s not generous. And most of all, it’s not art if there’s no risk. — Seth Godin

Art is looking deep within yourself, uncovering your fiery passions, and thrusting them into world.

Art is making human connections and giving people something of authentic value.

Art is writing without any formal training or permission to do so.

Art is bringing like-minded friends together for a homemade meal and genuine conversation.

Art is writing a love letter to your partner every day for the rest of your life.

Art is breaking all the rules, challenging the status quo and making a difference in everything you do.

Art is mentoring a high school student despite having no idea what you’re doing in hopes of making a difference in his life.

Art is terrifying, difficult, uncomfortable, scary, painful, and vulnerability at its core.

Art is questioning what you’re doing every single day but sticking with it because you know you must.

Art is leaving your 401k-healthcare-high-level-government-desk-sitting-number-crunching-“dream”- job to become a comedian.

Art is being honest, truthful, and candid.

Art is building an engaged team that is excited to show up every single day.

Art is taking a leap into a dark abyss and being questioned by everyone you know.

Art is building a tribe on YouTube without managers, labels, or corporate red tape and being your own boss.

Art is leaving your job, cycling across the country and writing about it, because the idea wouldn’t leave your head.

Art is failing, and failing, and failing, and succeeding, and failing, and failing…

…art is perseverance.

Art is starting a business without any experience, building genuine connections with clients and helping a worthy friend pay for college along the way.

Art is caring.

Art is doing your life’s work because you must. Not for the fame.

Art is saying fuck it all, quitting your job and slacklining every day, 5 hours a day, for 7 years and making it your career.

Art is picking yourself to make your art, because if you keep waiting to be chosen, you might die a “starving artist,” unhappy after years working at your shitty retail job dealing with shitty customers and a shitty boss while wasting your tag-scanning, credit card swiping, aisle cleaning days away.

Art is waking up early and getting to work — YOUR work — before your 9-5 job because you have to.

Art is sacrificing comfort because you know you must.

Motivational speaker Les Brown once said:

The graveyard is the richest place on earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afraid to take that first step, keep with the problem, or determined to carry our their dream.

Don’t wait to be chosen.

Don’t wait for the right time.

Don’t waste another single day.

Today is the day.

We’re waiting.

You’re remarkable and have something beautiful inside of you.

It’s your turn to share it with us.



Jared Taylor
Jared Taylor

Employee experience at Edelman. Organizational psychologist. Mindfulness teacher. Student of life. Human being.