Heal the World, Cook Dinner Tonight

Cooking with love and hope

Jean Anne Feldeisen
Jean’s in the Kitchen


photo courtesy of the author, cupcakes by Megan

Making mayonnaise in the rain

It was my 70th birthday and I had decided to give a party. I bought a tent, borrowed tables and chairs, and planned a menu with only food that I especially loved. My friends Don and Argy volunteered their beautiful lawn and gardens as a setting and helped with everything.

My family went to a lot of trouble moving and lifting tables and chairs, erecting tents and cooking my favorite foods. I had set out some posters that were a kind of pictorial retrospective of highlights of my life. I sent invitations to about 35 guests. I was happy about the whole thing. It was just what I wanted.

Everything was complete except for the last minute things- making mayonnaise to mix with lobster for the lobster salad. Painting my toenails. Setting out the glassware on the bar, buying and chilling the beer. Just a few last-minute things.

Unfortunately, it was raining. Not just a polite occasional shower, though there were some of those. Most of it was a hard, right-down-your-neck, driving kind of rain. And things were not going smoothly in the kitchen.

I broke the bright orange yolks into the bowl of the food processor, added dry mustard and salt and began slowly adding the oil. My…



Jean Anne Feldeisen
Jean’s in the Kitchen

I've got my fingers in way too many pots. Cook, writer, poet, reader, musician, therapist, dreamer, a transplant from New Jersey suburbs to a farm in Maine.