Planning Beautiful Breakfasts for Breaking Your Fast in Style

Using the Meal Planner Form for breakfast

Jean Anne Feldeisen
Jean’s in the Kitchen


Photo by Ben Kolde on Unsplash

Breakfast can be the most insignificant meal. Or the most important. It’s totally up to you, different each day. I think this is the most difficult meal to plan ahead because of – Who knows how you’ll feel in the morning a week ahead of time?

Sometimes you’re full from the day before and don’t want anything for hours, other times you’re starving. Sometimes you want something simple or some specific thing you dreamed about in the night.

This morning I wanted a meatloaf sandwich. We had hot meatloaf and potatoes and gravy last night and I knew there was meatloaf and bread available. A little catsup, salt and pepper. We split one sandwich with our coffee and felt satisfied. Sometimes we have more time, and want more of a celebratory meal.

But, planning has advantages, too. If you want Shakshuka (a Arabic dish of eggs poached in a spicy sauce of tomatoes and peppers) for breakfast, you need a recipe and all the ingredients if you want to make it at 7 am. My thought is to plan but be flexible. Then, if you have the ingredients but aren’t in the mood, you can save them for tomorrow, or perhaps for lunch.



Jean Anne Feldeisen
Jean’s in the Kitchen

I've got my fingers in way too many pots. Cook, writer, poet, reader, musician, therapist, dreamer, a transplant from New Jersey suburbs to a farm in Maine.