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Soliloquy on building up an emailing list that may work

Luigi Salerno
Jeeni Talks


You have probably read or heard repeatedly that email marketing is still the best channel for generating leads and sales . I do not know if you have ever questioned that statement, but we (people at the place I work and I) have done it more times that you may think. Haven’t you asked why people repeat the same again and again despite you may consider your emailing campaigns are not working as expected? Something must be missing, mustn’t it? Maybe a trick or a secret advice?

At my office, we always discuss (that is good, right?). One day, precisely talking about the effectiveness of email marketing , we came up with the expression inbound email marketing – which probably already existed – as a concept to explain ourselves that effective email marketing is not sending out messages to a long list of addresses coming from a xyz data base but rather, sending content that people – your subscribers – are eager to read and enjoy, and which can trigger the desired action we expect.

No, we didn’t discover the wheel. It is not a secret that the list of email addresses is your greatest asset when it comes to being effective. It is really a jewel and, as such, building it up requires investing efforts, time and patience. We are human beings and we love conversations, especially if they are engaging. That is, precisely, what our subscribers want: be entertained! Long-lasting relations with subscribers are based on the distribution of nice, valuable, inviting and friendly content that they may enjoy and like.

I must say email marketing and I have always lived a kind of affair. A couple of years ago, I decided to take actions on the overwhelming number of online sites I was subscribed to, using four email accounts! Because of the mess, I was incapable to determine what subscriptions were offering me nice content, so I spent some time transferring them to only one email account. It was only then when I could track what was worth reading and what, obviously, was not. Those subscriptions that I kept, are still with me and often times I am looking forward to receiving the next email.

I like to apply what is written on paper to real life. What we all people involved in online marketing and email marketing say, really happened to me. I am a loyal reader and listener to whatever content that makes me think, laugh, learn and improve. The rest is meant to the virtual bin.

We all want people to opt-in for receiving our emails, right into their inboxes. I propose you to get started by building a responsible email list and reviewing some concepts to do so. You can click on the link to have a look at the infographic we have created on this topic.

Key Concepts to Build Up an Emailing List that Works



Luigi Salerno
Jeeni Talks

A xennial that feels millennial. I’m content strategist & creator. Fitness, architecture & nature lover. Find me drinking Aperol Spritz or caffè latte.