I’m joining Lux Capital as an Entrepreneur-in-Residence!

Jeevan Kalanithi
Published in
2 min readMar 17, 2017
Among other things, Lux has an awesome word mark

I am highly stoked to announce that I will be joining Lux Capital as an Entrepreneur-in-Residence (EIR). As you all might know, Lux just raised a new $400M fund and Renata Quintini just joined (Renata is awesome, by the way). So I get to ride some pretty sweet coattails. Here’s the Lux announcement on the EIR too.

Q: That’s cool but what is an entrepreneur in residence? Sounds like a made-up job.

You’re right. It is sort of a made-up job. But the non-made-up part is this: Lux lets me spend some time incubating a new idea for a future startup, and I get to know their portfolio of companies better, hopefully provide some useful advice. I also help evaluate future deals if I can too. Eventually I’ll launch something of my own and if things work out, Lux might back it.

Q: Why do you want to do an EIR?

An EIR lets me come up with a good idea more efficiently as I get exposure to smart entrepreneurs in the portfolio and smart VC’s. Plus, Lux’s office snack situation is nice. I intend to advocate for sumo oranges. (Bilal — take note.)

Sumo oranges. Somewhat costly, but very delicious.

Q: Why is Lux awesome?

These guys take big bets on The Future. I am very impressed by the companies they have backed — people solving difficult, important problems with advanced technology. Lux is not your typical VC. I like daring ideas, and these guys do too.

But beyond Lux’s investment theses, the team is composed of cool, straightforward, smart people. I deeply trust the partners I worked with at True Ventures and Foundry Group, and when they gave me the thumbs up on the Lux team, it made doing an EIR there a no-brainer.


Q: What will you be up to? For how long?

Working on some new stuff! This will consist of a random walk through various technologies and industries. We’ll see what happens. As for how long? Who knows. Six months maybe?

Q: How would you like to conclude this blog post?

By reminding everyone how excited I am and how blessed I feel to be joining the Lux team. Onward!

