Not Very ‘90s

Google Giggles, at Your Expense

Jeff Glovsky
Jeff Glovsky


If you’re really a mean person you’re going to come back as a fly and eat poop.” — Kurt Cobain (1967-1994)

I have been asked — my follower sent me an email — why I never got around to mentioning Kurt Cobain anywhere, to mark the 20th “anniversary” of his stupid death. When jazz guitarist Jim Hall passed, I put up a couple of his tracks on SoundCloud. I nod in respect to dead writers often … To “celebrate” the 34th year of a world without love, I posted a piece about Lennon on Blogspot.

But April 5th suddenly came and went, and there was barely a pause … for remembrance … stage diving … a global moment of angst or moshing. No one seemed to light candles, or say much. The kids in alterna-clothes, spirited teens once, kept creeping up in age, towards forty … and Courtney Love keeps being dissed or ignored — in short, regarded like she’s batshit and kept in the attic.

While a cursory google, if you will, of the phrase, “Courtney Love found the jet”, may induce a giggle or two, the fact that EVERY snarky twenty-something with a phone or keyboard picked up on that “meme” to insult the woman, is wholly sad.

That’s the soul difference between us and them … the gaping divide between our Generation X — Kurt’s, Courtney’s, mine — and our Gen Y, Z and Millennial offspring … younger siblings, cousins, nieces, nephews, eventually grandkids:

Any self-effacement or actual humor is vanished. Our kids today — unoriginal, uninspired (except to “share”) and largely untalented — get off on maligning and effacing others … with no hint of playfulness — no irony — and whether or not it’s truly deserved, or they have any clue who they’re talking about when they’re cutting, and pasting … and narcissistically, or derisively, “sharing”.

Apparently, Courtney Love was on the Tomnod website, participating in the online challenge they’ve got there. She (now infamously) tweeted,

Prayers go out to the families #MH370 and it’s like a mile away Pulau Perak, where they ‘last’ tracked it 5°39'08.5“N 98°50'38.0”E but what do I know?”

According to their website, “(t)he Tomnod mission is to utilize the power of crowdsourcing to identify objects and places in satellite images.” The Search for MH370 would seem to be the perfect measure of that platform, which has previously mapped search campaigns for Super Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines and the ruinous Oklahoma tornado of May 2013.

As far as I can tell (‘but what do I know?’), Courtney Love was participating.

How is that batshit (or “deranged”, as it’s actually been nastily written in some places)? And why are there literally pages on Google, serving up dozens of this obnoxiously mocking “story” about her participating?

I can’t help thinking Kurt Cobain would have loathed what the internet has become for most people: less an information superhighway, and much more a clogged high school corridor of cliques, desperation for acceptance, intolerance, peer pressure and bullying … from which even the strongest among us prefer to escape.

The damaged and fragile do not stand a chance.



Jeff Glovsky
Jeff Glovsky

Private Tweets and Public Feats (Photos and Writing By) Jeff Glovsky