Kansas City Death Train: 10

Jeff Suwak
Jeff Suwak’s Existential Burlesque
2 min readSep 20, 2020


Photo by Brian Suman on Unsplash

Part 9 is here.

Joe left Two Sugars unconscious behind a stack of pallets and walked to the perimeter of a bee-hive of mutant hoboes carrying out preparations for a Kansas-City-wide dynamite party featuring a giant carnivorous insect as its guest of honor. And he wasn’t even getting paid for it.

He considered going to the police, but he knew what happened when hoboes went looking for help from the fuzz. They just wound up nursing nightstick fractures while bailiffs sang unsweet serenades in their ears. He wasn’t willing to risk the fate of ol’ KC by putting his trust in the kindness of elephant ears when such kindness was unpredictable at best.

There were too many hoboes for Joe to take on his own, though. Dozens of them. Maybe even hundreds. They crawled all over the yard preparing the Death Train for its run. They were halfway to inhuman, too, as Two Sugars had been, with antennae sprouting out of their heads and mandibles in their mouths. All kinds of other freakish appearances. Not even Rolling Joe Stone could take them all, though he was tempted to try it.

Luckily, Joe had been hopping train cars for a long time. He knew the lines and switches just as well as Greta Garbo knew how to pout and Kid Chocolate knew how to sit boxers down on their backsides. As such, he knew precisely where the train would have to switch…

