Cephas Samuel, sarika joglekar, Ishita Ferdousi, Pratik Joglekar, Raeesha Altaf and Shailee Sheth (left to right) pose for a photo in front of the results of 13 user interviews conducted for our project with the W3C.

Mid-Term Update

Lauren Dillard
Jefferson + W3C Collaboration
2 min readApr 4, 2018


Thank you so much for following along on our journey to recommend updates to the W3C specification template. With users around the world and a number of different use cases, it has been a challenge to fully grasp how and why the specifications are used today.

Very soon, we’ll post additional research deliverables — personas and journey maps — that will be used as tools to guide our design process.

Pratik Joglekar walks us through his initial sketches for the W3C Specification project. Sketching is often the best way to get ideas out quickly to discuss with the team.

It may seem like we’ve been quiet. The truth is, we’ve been studying. User experience design is as much about understanding our user as it is about designing clever, thoughtful solutions. As of spring break, the mid-point of the term, we’re moving into design.

Below, you’ll see the first evidence of our explorations. In the photo below, Ishita Ferdousi walks us through her preliminary wires.

Ishita Ferdousi walks the class through her initial prototype for the W3C Specification pages.

We’re so excited to have reached this point — the point at which we will have something new to share. If you feel like it’s taken us a while to get to this point, trust that our research has garnered valuable insight that will inform our design.

Wireframes are underway, our class will meet Friday to review. We’re hoping to have initial designs to share at the beginning of next week. Stay tuned. Keep in touch.



Lauren Dillard
Jefferson + W3C Collaboration

Lead product designer @massmutual, adjunct professor at @JeffersonUniv, part-time and passionate pickler.