Jelly Connects Harmony To Other Blockchains

Coming soon!

3 min readAug 17, 2020


Jelly & Harmony

As a cross-chain bridge, our team is interested in integrating promising networks with real communities, skillful devs and useful applications. Harmony blockchain meets all of these expectations and we are already working on its integration into our platform.

What is Harmony

The following sentence summarizes the concept of Harmony: Harmony is a fast and secure blockchain for decentralized applications.

Harmony is built to be a very fast base layer blockchain for transactions and smart contracts. What Harmony is developing is a sharding based blockchain that is expected to be scalable, secure and energy-efficient.

Harmony has recently incorporated staking on its mainnet, allowing users to earn ONE tokens for locking in their holdings. The team looks at this as a huge step towards decentralization by opening the protocol to the public. The protocol itself is designed to require very little computing power and token stake in order to make staking accessible for more people.

Transactions on Harmony take 8 seconds and within 2020 the team will try to decrease this time further. The costs are also significantly small. A transaction on Harmony will set you back only $0.000·001.

Harmony’s Mainnet supports thousands of nodes in multiple shards, producing blocks in a few seconds and achieving the ultimate goal for decentralization. Harmony’s network consists of over 320 public nodes and Harmony plans to increase that number to 1000 and beyond by the end of 2020.

Harmony’s novel staking mechanism called “Effective Proof of Stake” aims to strike a balance between large and small scale stakers. It achieves this by capping the rewards of large stakers and boosting the rewards of smaller ones.

Since the core protocol work has already been completed, Harmony is now focusing on adoption. Harmony’s EVM compatibility makes it easy for developers in the Ethereum ecosystem to test out the new network. In addition to the protocol’s features, a comprehensive set of developer grants are planned to encourage developers to take the leap.

Jelly as a Grantee

Jelly is one of the projects selected to receive a grant for building on Harmony. We are actively working on the trustless bridge between ONE<>ETH and ONE<>BTC.

👉You can already swap ONE on our testnet - and we are making final preparations for the mainnet release.

👉You can check out our weekly tech updates under the #pow post of @stse in Twitter every Friday.

👉Have a look at the repository —

👉Read our interview for Harmony and some background of our team below.

Or give a feedback under our topic in Harmony’s blog-




Peer-to-Peer trades across different blockchains