JellyBag — a mobile web app for cross-chain swaps

You can now swap with your phone

3 min readAug 11, 2020



It’s been a week since we launched the mobile version of our cross-chain application. So far, we’ve received many positive comments about the easy use of the platform and the smooth process that JellyBag provides.

One mobile app — many use cases

JellyBag is unique due to the many use cases that it provides. Users can both swap crypto peer-to-peer and further manage their assets. First, they can exchange trustlessly coins from one chain to another. Second, they can access Aave protocol or MakerDAO Vaults to deposit and earn additional profit.

Main advantages

The mobile version makes the swaps even easier due to two reasons.

  1. It removes the cumbersome hardware & browser wallets
    In the case of JellyBag, users log in with a universal wallet. Once landed on, users will be asked to log in with a username and password. The username should be at least 12 digits and the password should be strong. What happens on the background is that a universal wallet is generated from the username and password. When users log in, they are able to see their 12 seed words and make a backup. This wallet connects them automatically to every blockchain available on the platform. It improves significantly the user experience because, instead of choosing between MetaMask, Ledger, Torus or any other web browser extensions, people simply enter their username and password just like when logging into their emails.
  2. Withdraw and Refund happen automatically
    When using the desktop version, users should monitor the process and trigger manually the Withdraw and Refund steps. However, when using JellyBag this is no longer necessary. These two steps are now happening automatically and the swap is executed with fewer clicks.

Mobile web app overview

In the current version of the mobile view, users will be able to see the 4 different screens after logging in.

▶ ️The first one is “Swap”. Here you are choosing the currencies you want to swap and the exact amount.

▶ The second one is Dashboard. That’s the history of all your swaps and their status.

▶ ️The third one is Wallets. Here you can see all your assets and their amounts.

▶ ️The last one is Earn. Here you can access the additional options for fund management like Aave and MakerDao.

Swapping via phone is really easy and intuitive but if you still need some guidance, check this video or drop a line in our Telegram/Discord groups.

Become a liquidity provider

Don’t forget that everyone can become an LP on our platform. We’ve updated the rules — you can now provide liquidity for a minimum of 24h. The amount should be at least $500. You will be rewarded with 12,6% APY plus profits from the spreads.




Peer-to-Peer trades across different blockchains