Jelly: Sweet NFT Tools & Infra ✨

Today we reveal Jelly, an NFT marketplace protocol built on the Internet Computer, bringing the curator economy and multi-chain NFT marketplace vision to life!

5 min readApr 26, 2022


Today, the team at Psychedelic is excited to reveal Jelly. It’s not just a regular NFT marketplace, but a permissionless, open, and community-run NFT marketplace protocol and NFT toolkit!

What does that mean?

While Jelly may look just like an NFT marketplace dApp, it will primarily be an NFT marketplace infrastructure protocol, allowing creators, curators, or collectors to create their own curated marketplaces, all hooked up to the same trustless canister, with interoperable data across all frontends (same offer databases, same collections -but filterable-, etc.). Whoever powers the sale, claims the fee.

First, let’s talk about our roadmap, what Jelly is, and why we created it in the first place.

The Jelly Roadmap 🗺️

You might have seen a few sneak peeks on the CAP Twitter of what Jelly is going to look like when we first unveiled it as “the Crowns marketplace”.

The vision, the scope, and the goals have grown, and we’re happy to finally share them all with you today.

The Jelly roadmap has five release stages:

  1. Stage 1 — Crowns Marketplace: At first, the Jelly marketplace will be in the single-collection mode and only support the Crowns collection. We’ll also be performing an audit on our protocol’s backend (BE) and frontend (FE).
  2. Stage 2 — Aggregator Backend: We switch the protocol’s BE to Jelly’s aggregator protocol and continue to test the user experience with a single collection.
  3. Stage 3 — Jelly Protocol Goes Ham: We turn on the multi-collection mode for both the Jelly Protocol and the marketplace. Any dev will be able to create their own marketplace using the Jelly Protocol. We haven’t forgotten about ICNS names, they’ll be tradeable in Jelly!
  4. Stage 4 — Creator Tools & Governance: After the protocol’s full release, we’ll work with the community to integrate creator tools, and build Jelly’s governance to decentralize its development and hand over control.
  5. Stage 5 — Multi-chain Support: With the help of Terabethia, Jelly will start supporting collections from other chains.

We aim for stage 1 to be released in early May, we thank everyone for being patient!

All right, that’s the quick brief and look into the roadmap. Now let’s get to know the Jelly Protocol and its marketplace UI.

Jelly: NFT Marketplace Protocol & Infra🍓🥝🫐

As we mentioned in the beginning, we’re not building just another closed-in dApp. Jelly is first and foremost an NFT marketplace protocol.

The concept is to have one marketplace protocol canister (the backend!)handle the listings, offers, and marketplace logic for any collection listed.

Jelly will have its own marketplace UI, but given that it is a protocol, to begin with, anyone could create “curator-run” marketplaces featuring custom experiences like filtering collections and items using Jelly’s Protocol canister.

These frontends will get approved by the Jelly protocol to perform proxy operations (e.g. receive offers, purchases, etc.) and collect fees for sales they generate as curators. Other marketplaces can also integrate with Jelly to add their own listings to the protocol!

The Jelly protocol will initially provide the following features:

  • Display all NFTs from supported collections, whether listed for sale or not
  • Receive and accept offers for listed or unlisted NFTs
  • List your own NFT collection and set a base sale price
  • See collection-based trait, activity, and price filters
  • Monitor individual NFT activity (listings, offers, prices, sales)
  • See the general price and marketplace statistics

How will collections be listed? We will allow anyone to list their collection regardless of the standard wrapper. Thanks to DAB, we can integrate with its NFT list and standard wrapper to have multi-standard support. That gives us the flexibility to automatically support new NFTs added to the list, and easily add new standards.

Listings, offers (for listed and non-listed items), and activities will be universally shared across Jelly’s main UI, and all community-built marketplaces! Cohesive, interoperable, and open for anyone to build upon.

Jelly’s Multi-chain Future with Terabethia

We said there was a multi-chain component after all, right? With Terabethia and its Magic Bridge, any NFT with an ERC-721 standard can get bridged onto the IC, traded on Jelly, as an L2 marketplace, and then withdrawn back to Ethereum or to other chains.

This will be the first step into the multi-chain world, as Terabethia will bridge assets from other chains in the future. Thanks to the IC’s capabilities (threshold signatures), we’re greatly positioned to natively support authentication for wallets from other chains like MetaMas and offer native support for NFTs on those chains without the need to bridge them over (users would pay fees on their native network).

The Jelly Marketplace UI 🏪

Now onto the Jelly dApp! We used all the Crowns marketplace UI/UX designs to create the main marketplace hub for Jelly! The marketplace will be live under and act as an aggregator, meaning that it will show listings for all the collections supported by the protocol.

Anyone will be able to jump onto Jelly and connect their wallets to navigate all collections, list items, and make offers/purchases with Wrapped ICP (WICP).

Accepting offer view (In design)

We’ll also be making the entire marketplace UI and several “curator marketplace” tools open source for anyone to use. With Jelly, curators and developers can seamlessly build their own marketplace and benefit from:

  • Boilerplate logic and integrations (CAP, Plug, etc.).
  • Reutilizable Assets and components.
  • Cache/load optimization via our Kyasshu service.

Stay tuned for our repos! We’ll be sharing our documentation and repositories as we make progress with the Stage 1 release.

That’s all folks! 👋

We’re thrilled to finally open up the Jelly (jar) vision to the public and welcome the community into our building process to work together on achieving each of our stages.

All future marketplace updates will happen via a dedicated Jelly Twitter account instead of the CAP Twitter. We’re also around on Psychedelic’s Discord server if you want to chat with the team!

