Amazing Women That You (and @GaryVee) Should Be Following on Twitter!

Digital Culture NYC
Jellybean Boom
Published in
4 min readApr 17, 2013

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Gary V…does not know how much women are shaping social?[/caption]

So. Gary Vaynerchuk, the digital media guru who launched a thousand brands into the social media sphere, just released a two-part list of “19 Essential Twitter Follows.”

And…amazingly, it’s almost all male. Just 2 women in 19.

Before you say I’m jumping the gun on his little list — hold up. This is Twitter we’re talking about. I mean, not only do women dominate the major sites like Facebook and Twitter as users, but to borrow a favorite Gary V. phrase, they “crush it” as practitioners and thought leaders in the space.

Yep, in every niche and corner of social, women have been leading the way since day one, and innovating all the time since. So where is the love, Gary?

I think Gary needs more women on his radar, so I made a little list of my own. Women who have influenced my social game. Women who consistently bring a lot of value to the table. Women Gary (and you) ought to know about.

I left out some of the ladies who influenced me a ton but who are extremely well known (@kanter, @swissmiss and @pistachio are good examples) to follow Gary’s model of calling out people who really deserve more attention that they are getting. I’m 100% sure I have inadvertently omitted amazing gals, so I will be adding to this list, on the blog and on Twitter.

But for a start, here goes…follow them!

Aina Abiodun — Aina is at the forefront of a new way of telling stories using technology in innovative ways.
Follow @ainaabiodun

Paloma Baytelman — She Tweets frequently in words I cannot understand (Spanish), however I know this Fullbright scholar is one smart lady. And I know she’s “Twitter famous” but because she came to a taco party I threw I consider her a neighbor. Follow @Paloma

Emily Best — Emily is reinventing the idea of filmmaking and community through her startup Seed and Spark. Follow @emilybest

Ope Bukola — Ope does a terrific job of pulling together resources around tech, education and entrepreneurship. Follow @ope_bukola

Emily Cavalier — Emily is an incredible connector of passionate people — and a trove of insight on business, digital and food! Follow @ECava

Lauren Cerand is a glamorous woman-about-town who helps authors and publisher build their profiles. Her Twitter stream is eclectic but always thoughtful. Follow @luxlotus

Kristina Drury — I took a wicked awesome Skillshare from Kristina about doing demographic research, and ever since she’s been a must-follow in my world. Follow @TYTHEdesign

Cheryl Furjanic — My old and good friend Cheryl really understands what it means to cultivate an audience in the age of Kickstarter and she’s shaped my game so much through her intelligent writing and teaching. Follow @cfurj

Roxane Gay — I discovered Roxane through her epic Tweets about Elizabeth Wurtzel’s New York mag piece, and I was like “where have you been all my life?” Hilarious and intelligent commentator.Follow @rgay

Susan Halligan — Marketing presenter extraordinaire and a big influence on the incredible NYC Digital Culturals Group (which hosted digital folks from just about every museum and cultural you can think of), Susan has definitely shaped my game in social. Follow @srhalligan

Julia Kaganskiy — she wrote the Twitter book on the intersection of art and technology in this crazy city. Follow @juliaxgulia

Kristin McCracken — Kristin built the vibrant social presence around Tribeca Film Festival, and her secret sauce around Facebook engagement, particularly, is worth emulating. Bonus — her tips about pop culture are never wrong! Follow @kmc1213

Emily Meitner — We “met” on Twitter originally. All I know is that Emily is a gal to watch as she build her New York Creative Interns empire. She’s a connector and a prolific Tweeter. Follow her!Follow @emilymiethner

Jennette Mullaney gives awesome and social insights into museum world. She was at the Met Museum, and now is at the High Line, how cool is that? Follow @JennetteM

Mira Ptacin — discovered her through a moving essay in Guenica, and have stuck around for her incisive updates on the writing life. Follow @MiraPtacin

Nichelle Stephens — Cupcake guru, food-tech conference organizer and entrepreneurship writer — Nichelle does a little bit of everything! Follow @niche

Felicia Sullivan — A frequent and witty Tweeter with a distinctive voice, Felicia knows how to mix intelligent commentary about the business of social and digital with Tweets about her passion for food and design. Follow @felsull

Frances Uku — Wherever creative folks converge, you’ll find Miss Uku reporting on it in clever 140 character bursts. Follow @missuku

Who else? Tell me who you’d add and let’s help Gary expand his horizons a little bit!



Digital Culture NYC
Jellybean Boom

Serving as a creative partner in digital marketing and website design for small businesses, nonprofits and entrepreneurs.