Running AMAs within your Slack Community

Published in
3 min readSep 11, 2018

Hosting an AMA within your Slack community? submit it here and we’ll profile it on our site!

FoxGrowth is a Growth Marketing agency. They also have a private community of Growth Marketers. They manage this community with LaunchPass.

LaunchPass handles all the signup, authentication and payment. You can even charge for your community, and LaunchPass handles all the payment and provisioning for that too.

Introducing AMAs

Ask-Me-Anything’s (AMAs) are an amazing opportunity for communities to host really valuable sessions and use the power of the masses to maximise learnings. Here are some example public AMAs:

Of course, Reddit invented the AMA but I have often felt like Reddit AMA’s were watered down because the community was so large. Often, questions that were niche and tailored around the expert that was giving the AMA were overlooked because the larger community wanted to ask a broader or more generalised question.

Niche communities are an ideal way of hosting hyper valuable AMAs!

Hosting an AMA in your Slack community

“Good news everyone! Andrew Chen will be hosting an AMA on Friday at 3PM PST!”

Typically, you announce your AMA a day or two in advance. Your community can then have a good think about questions for the host, submit questions, and upvote other questions that they are valuable.

Then at a specific time the host logs on to Slack, can see all of the questions that have been asked, their engagement, and answer as many as they can!

Moreover, at the time of the AMA, your community can log on and engage with the host, ask last minute questions, and even reply to their answers for further clarifications or compliments!

Hosting an AMA with Jellyfish:

  1. First, install the Jellyfish Slack plugin
  2. Go to the channel that you wish to host the AMA in (probably the largest channel you have) and type /jellyfish and then click “Host Session”
  3. Enter the details of the session. For example, if you have a celebrity hosting a session, enter the session name as a brief intro to who they are. You can even specify things like allowing anonymous questions, or moderating questions.
  4. Click submit, and you’ll be able to start receiving questions from your audience!
  5. As the questions come in, people will be able to vote and comment on them!

Interacting with an AMA with Jellyfish:

  1. Your community will be alerted that someone is hosting a session, and they’ll see a note like this:

2. People can click “Ask Question” and it’ll be posted in Slack for people to upvote

Hosting an AMA within your Slack community? submit it here and we’ll profile it on our site!

