my Four Favorite words to Feast Female day.

Melina Cruz
Published in
5 min readMar 8, 2018

In commemoration oF Women’s Day I decided to write this small story; I’ll start by giving the strict deFinition Founded in a dictionary oF the words I picked to celebrate this day, and aFterwards I’ll explain myselF why I love them and my thoughts on them.



a person bearing two X chromosomes in the cell nuclei and normally having a vagina, a uterus and ovaries, and developing at puberty a relatively rounded body and enlarged breasts, and retaining a beardless Face; a girl or woman.

I’m a woman born and raised in Mexico, a country where gender violence aFFects 66.1% oF women, a woman who this morning experienced sexual harassment while buying roses to my Female coworkers “because I was wearing a dress and high heels” yet I still consider being Female as one oF my two superpowers.

I grew up in a home led by a woman who has never stopped to achieve her dreams, and who taught, with the best example, me and my 2 sisters never to stop. A woman who works on a company that changed the health system in my country, who traveled all around Mexico and Latin America chasing her dream while her 3 daughters and husband supported her From home.

In my home being Female meant more than just having a vagina, uterus and ovaries, more than being born with two X chromosomes, it meant complicity with my sisters, it meant being a change maker in the world such as my mom and having the chance to raise my voice as much as I wanted, it meant being a leader For both men and woman, also to be able to express my emotions without seeing it as a weakness, it meant being smart AF and be proud oF it, it meant having a saFe net knitted daily by the other Females in my tribe.

We should stop reinForcing gender roles through the common wisdom we’ve been through, and let our next generation discover the perks of being a woman by themselves. Let the girls discover that the Future is Female.



someone who establishes an organization

Ever since we launched Jelp mi and started to think oF myselF as a Founder I loved being woman even more, I realized that here in Mexico there are many organizations that Focus in growing better Founders and help them develop certain skills needed in a world ruled by men, iF you don’t believe me check the work oF Victoria147 or the Cherie Blair Foundation which I have beneFit oF lately by being part oF programs in both companies.

A week ago while doing an interview about “how is it For a woman to raise capital in Mexico” I told my interviewer that instead of telling her all the dark side about the whole thing and mentioning the Facts we all know such as:

· It is 4 times more likely that a Fund invests in a company led by a man than one led by a woman, and only 7 to 10% oF the Funds oF a VC are allocated to startups Founded by women.

· Just 11% oF startups that get to sit at the table, are led by a woman.

· Only 4.9% oF woman are Founders oF a tech company.

We should Focus on the bright side oF the story:

· Women are the hidden engine oF the economy, 41.3% oF women “perceive good opportunities to start a business” and 41.2% consider that they “possess the skills, experience, and knowledge necessary to start a business or company”.

· 19% oF the Mexicans who are entrepreneurs are women, this number has been increasing and will continue to do so.

· 60% oF the small and medium-sized enterprises (SME’s) are led by women and contribute 37% to the GDP.

So let’s keep empowering more Female Founders and teach them that, when playing in this Field, they should start aiming to win big instead oF not losing. I challenge all the Founders out there to Fight For their sit on the table with investors, and close deals in their Favor plus not just only establish an organization but dare yourselF to change the world.

And remember:

“A woman in the world is powerFul but a woman with technology is unstoppable”

Me and my partner Ana Victoria García in Victoria147


adjective, adverb

used to emphasize a statement, especially, an angry one:

Ok, can we not only think about it as an angry statement? despite that… no comments on this deFinition.

Dare yourselF to use and live this word, as in:

· You are Fucking awesome and perFect despite what people think about you.

· You are doing Fucking great in business.

· Let’s keep Fucking with the system to get what we deserve and what we want.

· Are you Fucking kidding me? Women are supposed to help each other not hurt or criticize ourselves.

· And Finally, I Fucking do what I want with my body, and Fuck with whomever I Feel like.



without Fear; bold or brave; intrepid.

I have this one tattooed in my skin (literally speaking) and it’s my daily reminder oF how I must live my liFe cause…. We only get one.

Ever since I was a kid my dad use to encourage me and my sisters to do something by saying us “do it, without Fear” and as I grew older I realized that having no Fears is somehow impossible. I think that what my dad meant was: its ok to be aFraid as long as you acknowledge that, and despite oF your Fears dare yourselF to do what scared you anyway.

Be Fearless in the pursuit oF what sets your soul on Fire.

Happy Women’s Day to all the Fearless, bold and beautiFul creatures out there!💜



Melina Cruz
Editor for

La vida esta en manos de quien decide soñar y tiene el coraje de vivir sus sueños. Mi sueño: @homelymx ITAMita. Mexicana por fortuna.