Jenelyn Coloma Mabacquiao
2 min readJun 30, 2024

Have you ever encountered a co-worker who asks you a question out of nowhere, like, “Hey, what’s the amount of SLS?” You answer with the total monthly collection and direct your response to that co-worker, only to have them laugh at you along with colleagues! They weren’t asking about that at all. The question was unclear, and you were mocked. Of course, she’s the one boosting her ego, acting like a “woke” person trying to appear intelligent to other colleagues. You respond, “So, that’s not it? What did you mean?” She side-eyes you like a perfectionist, softly manipulating the situation, saying, “That’s not it; I was referring to Juan Dela Cruz’s account.” You didn’t even know she was asking about that.

It’s true; if you’re new in the industry, it’s hard to find genuine people. Imagine having a meal with your co-workers, having good conversations, changing smiling every day, but when you’re not at the table, your name becomes their appetizer. As you try to understand and climb the corporate ladder, you encounter and socialize with egotistical people who always want to be the main character — the “I know it all” show-off and credit-grabber. If you’re just a beginner, people see you as dumb, not on their level. They hate explaining but they want you to understand, they hate new ideas, and only like to be kind when their ego is stroked.

Have you ever felt the vibe of someone entering a room like “I’m the smartest person here”? They love to be respected, always wanted the attention of people in a room to see how they mock and belittle you — and when you speak up, they cut you off, and when you explain something, they act as if you’re rude, they feel like you’re crucifying them — but never! They want the idea of being respected, but they never earn it. How can you respect someone who demands it but doesn’t respect you as a person? Respect is earn and should never be demanded.

At the end of the day, you know yourself better. You’re more capable, gaining knowledge and innovating. The person they mock as dumb is the one learning and growing. When the tables turn, there are always two sides: God helping you achieve your goals and those who belittled you learning humility

