To my Best Dad in world of green

Jenelyn Coloma Mabacquiao
3 min readJun 16, 2024
Happy Father’s Day, Daddy

Dear Dad,

Do you still remember how eager I was to learn and you taught me how to write my name. You bought me a notebook and different colored pens. I will never forget the weekends when you helped me with my math homework, made sandwiches, and Tang mango juice for me. When I got a high score on my quizzes in primary school, you would buy me a gift, and those were the best days.

You impacted our lives so much. We were always thrilled when you got home because you brought short storybooks for us to read and color. That’s why I love reading books to this day. When I attended my first Quiz Bee in primary school, you cooked your secret fried chicken recipe to wish me good luck. You were always excited to cook new recipes, and we were always excited to be the first tasters. You always bought sisig secretly because you knew how much my siblings and I loved it, even though Mommy would get mad. You always granted our requests within a day.

During high school years, you used to teach me martial arts, waking me up at 4 AM because you were so excited to teach me your learned techniques from a martial arts movie. We are always a big fan of watching SmackDown, Shaolin, and karate movies— and we still do. You even encouraged me to enroll in a Taekwondo class, you are so supportive, dad — It is all because you are one of my motivations that I am red belt holder. I know you wish for me to continue and become a black belt. I wish for it too, to make you proud and happy.

You always wanted to be updated about our school contests. You were so proud when I won the extemporaneous speech competition and when my sister and I got accepted into campus journalism broadcasting during senior high. You were so proud when I graduated with honors in SHS.

When college days came, I suggested getting a part-time job, but you insisted I shouldn’t. I never understood why until I graduated and started working. Now I understand why you never let me, because you didn’t want me to feel tired and exhausted from juggling work and studies. You wanted me to be free and enjoy life without responsibilities.

After college, you let me do the things on my own. You let me decide for my life — you suggested that I should experience life in manila. Despite Mom’s hesitation and disapproval, you supported me. When my life gets tiring and heavy you never fail to remind me that I can always count on you and mommy. You always check me to see if I am okay — how bless I am to have you, Dad. I miss our family bonds, I miss my sibling and fights, you dad as our referee, late night talks about our big dreams, our dinner and who would shine at washing dishes. I miss home — I miss province.

Happy Father’s Day, Daddy! Thank you for raising me and my siblings to be tough and for doing everything for us. Thank you for putting extra money in your pocket when I did your laundry. You set the standard so high for me by being the best dad — never smoking, never being a hard drinker, and always taking care of us. Mommy was right; you are a big fan of old-fashioned ways — you love taking care of Mom, cooking for us, doing laundry, fixing things, and staying home to binge-watch MMA fights. I’m so proud of you, Daddy. In our hometown, people know you for your big principles, kindness, and generosity in helping people.Thank you, Daddy, for always taking care of us and for loving Mom unconditionally.

I know you never expect me to repay all your sacrifices — But I promise to do better to make you proud and give you the best I can offer — not out of obligation but out of love and respect for how you raised us and comfortable life you provided. I love you, Daddy! Thank you for being the best dad under the greenest flag!

