I see Trump

Jenny Lawton
Jenny’s Thinkings
2 min readAug 3, 2016


It’s everywhere we go, this request to say something if you see something that just isn’t right. And, you shouldn’t worry if what you see isn’t actually something “off” but the act of saying something is better than not.

Right? I mean, if you see a box left on the subway, or a bag left unattended or a kid all on their own or a dog in a car without the windows down or a kid in the car all alone or … you get the idea. If something isn’t quite right, we’re supposed to say something. Homeland Security has even trademarked the phrase. They are that serious about the concept of reporting something that may be a threat to our safety.

Well, I see something and I’m going to say something.

I see Trump.

Trump is a threat to our National Security, my personal liberties, the Muslims in our country, the immigrants in this country, to women, all people who are not white or male, our Constitution, our safety, our relationships with other countries.

So, I’m saying it. I mean, in an emergency, we are supposed to call 9–1–1. I think this is an emergency. But I’m pretty sure that no one is going to take my call. So, I’m saying it out loud.



Jenny Lawton
Jenny’s Thinkings

entrepreneur, mentor, advisor, mother, wife, dog parent and lover, tennis player : changing the world one woman and entrepreneur at a time