Data is the new Currency

Jeremy Treadwell
Human Experience 2.0


I am excited to be a student and practitioner of customer experience and product intelligence for the past few years… helping companies to understand how data is the currency of Industry 4.0

Companies like Amazon and Facebook harness over 4 petabytes (4k terabytes, or 8k gigabytes) and with the new focus on artificial intelligence and machine learning (ML) that data is being processed and analyzed to represent consumers

This includes facets such as customer experience, customer transaction, and user-generated content and is sold, shared, and aggregated to serve as a digital passport that represents all of the data remnants from all previous interactions and transactions.

Data science and cybersecurity are the two fastest-growing industries within the #Industry4dot0 ecosystem and they both boil down capturing, harnessing and capitalizing on breadcrumbs we leave each time we pick up anything connected to the Internet.

Consider swarm theory for a minute, your data may be harmless alone but take billions of individuals data points such as customer experiences, transactions, voice communications, writing styles, words used. This amounts to product intelligence that guides companies.

As intelligence matures, the ability to have a higher resolution of you, the consumer and of how behaviors drive operational reporting, business intelligence, and product intelligence. I am an evangelist for automation around customer behaviors creating customized experiences that will reduce customer friction.

The objective is to develop systems of intelligence that operationalize data and with smart analysis, we can develop intelligence automation to drive customized experiences to simplify and enhance customer experience management (CXM)

Make no mistake about it, Data is the new currency.



Jeremy Treadwell
Human Experience 2.0

Futurist | Product Evangelist | CX Leader | Data Rights Advocate