From Monolith to Microservice Architecture on Kubernetes, part 1 — The Api Gateway

Jeroen Rosenberg
Jeroen Rosenberg
Published in
12 min readJul 19, 2017


In this blog series we’ll discuss our journey at Cupenya of migrating our monolithic application to a microservice architecture running on Kubernetes. There’s a lot of talk on microservices and also a lot of great online resources available, but I noticed that practical & pragmatic guidance is often lacking. Therefore, I’ll try to get really hands on.

If you’re unsure what a microservice is, I suggest reading Martin Fowler’s article about them. For the sake of this article my definition of a…



Jeroen Rosenberg
Jeroen Rosenberg

Dev of the Ops. Founder of Amsterdam.scala. Passionate about Agile, Continuous Delivery. Proud father of three.