Jerry L. Rhoads
Jerry L. Rhoads
Published in
5 min readJan 6, 2021
A book by Jerry Rhoads that exposes government waste and insurmountable debt that can be eliminated by representing enterprising Americans with a third political party … The American Enterprise Party www.americanenterpriseppoliticalparty.org

It’s easy to criticize, hypothesize, visualize, epitomize productive thoughts and opinions. Here’s mine … change our culture of violence, vulgarity and excesses to Humanism. So goes the aftermath of the contested election of 2020. Since the country is split into two waring parts as Congress fiddles as America is the victim of overindulgence with an insolvent under pinning.

Therefore, the POTUS’ bully pulpit is an enabler to exercise collective leadership and opinion. Since I don’t yet have one I’m going to create my own looking for consensus of ideas, goals and solutions.

First of all, no one is totally ready and competent to be President of a country of 330 million diverse and enterprising Americans. That being the case how can we collectively work together for common goals? What are the collective goals? Are there 330 million different visions of a better world or a consensus of what we all want that becomes our vote to achieve because we passionately need it! Is it a happy family, a healthy lifestyle, a prosperous livelihood, a friendly neighbor, a fulfilling job and a vote that counts?

If it is, listen up because I going to make a proposition to achieve these individually and collectively to replace what we are now experiencing as a nation of violent behavior, vulgar vocabulary and unequal resources because of unequal opportunity due to poor leaders and poor role models. Our America is a result of just the opposite. Our silent majority are now calling for a change in that culture. Let’s review a plan for peaceful change. First, our behavior is our own responsibility so changing that is our personal commitment to change the culture of violence. Secondly, our entertainment is violent and vulgar so why not shut down those instances we all find uncomfortable. Thirdly, is it more money we want or an equal chance at the American Dream of a happy marriage, healthy home and a fulfilling future in our life’s work. If it is, how do we get there under the current circumstances?

We are now facing a Pandemic of fear threatening our livelihood and health, along with the changes that our society is demanding of our institutions. These are the result of two- and one-half centuries of development. How can we change these divergent and conflicting goals unless we agree on the changes we want? Do we want a better justice system? Do we want a better health care program? Do we want more resources from our work ethic.? Do we agree that our current leaders aren’t taking us there? If so, what can we do? Change our leaders or give in to the current state of affairs? Well, I’m just one voice saying we have to change our leadership regardless of our political affiliation because it is the underlying problem … we have lawmakers making more laws taking away freedoms, the red and the blue defend our two party system, protesters seeding revenge with dark money, defunding our police security blanket, politicians ignoring the blight in our inner cities and small rural communities while bankrupting our future with financial bailouts. The problem isn’t racism, fascism, capitalism, socialism or any other ism, ism, isms, its not honoring Humanism.

The solution is to pursue Humanism as the national patriotic campaign. It must be driven by the votes of enterprising Americans that pay all the bills, fight all the wars and make capitalists wealthy beyond their dreams and needs … the 200 million enterprising Americans who are not represented nor compensated adequately by a system that glorifies violence, vulgarity and excess compensation in entertainment, sports and our social media. It’s the golden rule … those with the gold shall rule. The vision of a better world would be to create a third political party that pursues enough votes to become the swing vote for every political decision made by the Congress and State Legislators to bring the current proponents of the extremes towards a balanced middle of society. Not left or right, not red or blue, not progressive or socialist, not fascism or communism, but American Humanism. We want to individually have an opportunity to prosper and be happy with our future peaceful dealings around the world including the conservation of our environment and peaceful coexistence with our trading partners and competitors. Read my lips … it’s an economic war not a shooting or bombing war. Give peace a chance.

How can this happen. First let’s agree on a very important fact. Capitalism is not the enemy of Socialism. They work together every day in every business. I’ll call it enterprise and it has to have capital to startup and sustain its equity and it has to have human assets to implement and sustain its profitability. So why do politicians pit one against the other as conservative and liberal, while assigning each to either the left or the right bending the curve towards the extremes for stirring up the voters.

With successful enterprises being the foundation of the American economy, then the extremes of a two-party system must be pulled towards the middle-class small businesses that populate our shopping centers, internet trading and commerce with the rest of the world creating standards of living to pay all the bills and taxes to sustain what I call the Great American Enterprise. That’s the master we all must serve not 545 people (100 senators, 435 congressmen, 9 supreme court justices and 1 President) who now run everything with money-tics using the golden rule … those with the gold rule.

The economic theory here is to create a swing vote party called the American Enterprise Party that with as few seats as 10 in the Senate and 20 in the House representing enterprising hard working enterprising Americans. The third party’s platform balances the budget by privatizing agencies that are redundant with all the State Governments and rids every layer of government to “pass a bill kill 1standing law and regulations” and taxation becomes a reinvestment of excessive wealth to pay down the unserviceable national and State debt. We not only “drain the swamp” we kill the alligators that are exposed. In a decade, as Margert Thatcher did in England, a third party can kill the idea of bigger government solves social problems and higher taxation pays for it.

As the image above shows, I wrote a book entitled The American Enterprise Manifesto that exposes the depth of the swamp and the dire financial predicament this put our and future generations in, that must be dealt with now as America slides into the depths of the swamp, as did other great societies in the past. I’ve been told it will never happen because it takes MBZ’s billions of trillions and zillions to compete for any office let alone the presidency. Well, 330 million enterprising Americans create $19 trillion GDP per year and create wealth for 2,000 millionaires and billionaires so why not invest their equity (wealth) in paying down the $100 trillion in unfunded debt, rid ourselves of half of the 22 million government workers that cost 40% of fixed overhead wasted on redundant laws and regulations to be able to compete with China our ominous competitor.

To get the details read my book. It can be acquired from my web site www.jerryrhoadsauthor.com or Amazon books by Jerry Rhoads.



Jerry L. Rhoads
Jerry L. Rhoads

Retired CPA, health care consultant to the private sector. Developer of management software, licensed health care administrator and owner of nursing homes.