Backing Up solution of Amazon EFS

Jerry’s Notes
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Published in
2 min readNov 20, 2019

Amazon EFS 備份策略

  1. AWS Backup service
  2. The EFS-to-EFS backup solution

Backing Up Amazon EFS —

第3種方式,非官方建議, 但有相當程度的便利性

EFS ↔ EC2/EBS ↔ EBS snapshot ↔ S3

先用台EC2透過rsync + parallel去備份EFS上的資料,再透過EBS snapshot的方式備份資料到S3,達到定期多版本的備份策略!

### rsync + parallel
$ cd /usr; time find -L -type f | sudo parallel — gnu -j 8 -v rsync -aR {} /shared/b

### backup
NOW=$(date +”%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S”)
echo $NOW

$ aws ec2 create-snapshot — volume-id vol-1234567890abcdef0 — description “Auto-backup-”$NOW — region

Lifecycle Management for Amazon EBS Snapshots —

AWS Backup

AWS Backup 是透過備份 Amazon EFS 檔案系統來保護資料的簡單、經濟實惠的方式。AWS Backup 是統一的備份服務,專門用來簡化建立、遷移、還原和刪除備份,同時提供改進的報告和稽核。
* 設定和稽核您想備份的 AWS 資源
* 自動化備份排程
* 設定保留政策
* 監控所有最近的備份與還原活動

AWS EFS to EFS backup

The EFS-to-EFS backup solution is suitable for all Amazon EFS file systems in all AWS Regions. It includes an AWS CloudFormation template that launches, configures, and runs the AWS services required to deploy this solution. This solution follows AWS best practices for security and availability.



Jerry’s Notes
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