Jersey Hemp CBD Oil — highly rated by the experts

With all the hype around CBD, and new CBD products exploding onto the market every day — how can you tell that the CBD oil you choose has the right levels of THC or CBD — or even contains CBD at all?

Sarah Cilliers
Jersey Hemp


It’s a question that consumers need answers to, particularly as current testing standards can vary widely, and there are no guarantees that the CBD product you’re looking at online or on a retailer’s shelf actually contains what it says it does. Earlier this year, the first major third-party testing of a wide range of CBD products was carried out by The Centre for Medical Cannabis (CMC), a UK industry membership body which has set up a quality charter for businesses operating in CBD and medicinal-cannabis based sectors. Their lab tests revealed that a staggering 62% of the UK high street products studied didn’t contain the CBD content promised on the label, with one product (retailing for £90) containing no measurable amount of cannabidiol at all, and another containing 3.8% ethanol, legally making it an alcoholic beverage. And as a consumer, when you’re considering a CBD product purchase that could be priced anywhere between £30 and £100, you need to be sure you’re getting the high quality product you’re paying for.

Jersey Hemp CBD Oil — the test results are in

So how did Jersey Hemp’s CBD oils shape up? Although the CMC didn’t publish individual results of their blind testing, we were sent the results of the analysis of our 500mg CBD Oil and given permission to publish the information.

Labelling — no issues
Batch number and sell by date both present

Advertised Cannabinoid (CBD) content — no issues
CBD content as advertised

Controlled Cannabinoid content (THC, THCa, CBN)
None present

Nothing of concern was found with either the residual solvent or heavy metals testing results for our product.

The CMC’s Research Lead Jon Liebling commented: ‘I would put this product down as being one of the most compliant, high quality and accurately labelled products that we tested.

Pure and natural. As nature intended.

We’re delighted that these independent tests have confirmed that our products match our philosophy. Jersey Hemp was started by people who wanted to help everyone achieve a better quality of life, by producing the best products possible with no fillers and no nasties.

Jersey Hemp’s CBD oils

Here at Jersey Hemp, we’re committed to pure and natural Jersey-grown quality, from growing our hemp using organic methods, to safe and sustainable harvesting practices and highly-controlled and accurate extraction techniques for our CBD.

We have testing protocols and high standards in place that monitor our product from start to finish. Every batch of Jersey Hemp CBD Oil and Jersey Hemp Full Spectrum CBD oil is analysed by an independent laboratory to test for the presence of pesticides, heavy metals or microbial contaminants, as well as to check the CBD content. We publish all our batch test results here, so you can check them for yourself.

We want you to feel good. That’s why we’ve developed pure and natural high quality CBD products that are grown in Jersey, using organic methods that benefit the land as well as the people that enjoy our products.



Sarah Cilliers
Jersey Hemp

Just putting ideas into words at The Observatory