Asking for Rent

By Jesse Atwell

Jesse Atwell
Jesse's Blog by Jesse Atwell
1 min readJan 30, 2017


How many times do you ask for rent before evicting the tenant?

How many times do you train a weak employee before replacing him?

How many times do you fix a lemon before buying a new car?

Like many things, there doesn’t seem to be an easy answer in these cases. Each scenario involves a balancing act between time, needs, probability, and other unknown factors.

Your control over each situation is limited.

But the tenant might land the big job.

The employee might get the big concept.

And the car might get the one magic part it needs.

The tenant, the employee, the car… they can all turn it around in a single moment.

The same goes for you, of course.

And you’re completely in control of that scenario.



Jesse Atwell
Jesse's Blog by Jesse Atwell

Music Management. Partner @ Triple 8 Management. Formerly at Sony Music and Hallmark Cards. Vegan. Read my blog at