Flexible Enough to Do Both

By Jesse Atwell

Jesse Atwell
Jesse's Blog by Jesse Atwell
1 min readOct 14, 2016


Confronted with a conflict, we tend to tighten up.

Our focus narrows.

Our jaw tightens.

And our heart races.

Instead of solving the problem, we divert precious energy and resources to tightening up.

And we’re no different with our businesses and organizations.

When a business encounters a conflict, it digs in. It spends more. It gets more aggressive.

Tightening up is a natural response, but it doesn’t always produce the optimal solution to the threat. You become too rigid to see all potential solutions.

But going too loose often yields similar results; it also limits your ability to see all potential solutions.

Sometimes go tight, but not too tight.

And sometimes go loose, but not too loose.

Regardless, be flexible enough to do both — just at different times and with varying levels of intensity.



Jesse Atwell
Jesse's Blog by Jesse Atwell

Music Management. Partner @ Triple 8 Management. Formerly at Sony Music and Hallmark Cards. Vegan. Read my blog at www.jesseatwell.com.