Unreasonable People

By Jesse Atwell

Jesse Atwell
Jesse's Blog by Jesse Atwell
1 min readFeb 7, 2017


  • maybe they’ll take less
  • maybe she’ll say yes
  • maybe I will get the job
  • maybe I will change the world
  • maybe I will invent the next Facebook
  • maybe I will go to medical school
  • maybe I will start a business
  • maybe I will earn her respect
  • maybe I will write a book
  • maybe I will reproduce
  • maybe I will get a raise
  • maybe I will retire early

Deciding on a destination, charting a course, and navigating the waters is difficult work — work that isn’t guaranteed to pay off.

Whether you achieve your goal or not, the good news is this: we are all unreasonable people.

Reasonable people don’t get shit done.



Jesse Atwell
Jesse's Blog by Jesse Atwell

Music Management. Partner @ Triple 8 Management. Formerly at Sony Music and Hallmark Cards. Vegan. Read my blog at www.jesseatwell.com.