You are here

By Jesse Atwell

Jesse Atwell
Jesse's Blog by Jesse Atwell
1 min readFeb 2, 2017


You are not at:

  • tomorrow’s marketing meeting
  • the big test at the end of the semester
  • your year end review
  • the bad play during your high school football game
  • the end of a failed product launch
  • the end of a successful product launch
  • the moment you ask her/him to marry you
  • the wrong path you took ten years ago
  • the lucky guess you made

The ability to learn from past events and visualize the future are important skills. They are the reason we don’t touch hot stoves or run off a cliff.

But these moments don’t actually exist. And they shouldn’t be sources of anxiety.

If something happened in the past, it’s over and doesn’t exist. If you think it might happen in the future, it hasn’t happened yet and doesn’t exist.

The past and future are apparitions of your mind.

If you are worried about past or future events, you are not giving today 100% of your focus. Do this every day for the rest of your life and you can imagine the significant impact it will have on future you.

And future you deserves better.

You are here.

And there’s no better place to start than where you’re at.



Jesse Atwell
Jesse's Blog by Jesse Atwell

Music Management. Partner @ Triple 8 Management. Formerly at Sony Music and Hallmark Cards. Vegan. Read my blog at