What is #JesuitEducated all about?

Deanna Howes
Jesuit Educated


Pope Francis is among those who demonstrate the impact of a Jesuit education

For nearly 500 years, millions of people across the world have experienced the transformative power of a Jesuit education. Graduates of Jesuit institutions go on to do amazing things! From serving in Congress to serving in the Jesuit Volunteer Corps…from running laboratories to competing in the Olympics…from leading countries to leading the Catholic Church. Pope Francis is among those who demonstrate the impact of a Jesuit education, which asks more of individuals, and shapes them into men and women for and with others.

In the weeks leading up to Pope Francis’ historic first visit to the United States, we want to know how your Jesuit education has transformed you. What’s your story? What makes you proud to be #JesuitEducated? Every week, from Friday, July 31st (the Feast of St. Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Jesuits) through Friday, September 25th (the week of the Pope’s visit), we invite you to share your story here on Medium using the hashtag #JesuitEducated.

The Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities (AJCU) is proud to sponsor the #JesuitEducated campaign with the nation’s 28 Jesuit colleges and universities. For more information, please visit www.ajcunet.edu or follow us on Twitter @jesuitcolleges.

