Why I am Christian, Pro Life, Pro Family and Voting for Trump

Eldho Kuriakose
Jesus the Nazarene
Published in
5 min readOct 8, 2020


This is a the only rationale I can imagine for why someone who professes the Christian faith would vote for this sick man and party. Enjoy.

/Sarc ON:

This election is a defining moment in the course of human history. Faith, Life, Family and Community are all at stake. If you are a Christian, you may have to think a little bit, but the choice will be resoundingly obvious after just a few short moments of deliberation. Here’s how I arrived at my decision.

  1. Our Faith is under attack!!

Christians believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. We are being attacked for holding fast to this very basic and obvious truth. How are we being attacked?

  • ‘They’ want to get “married”. I feel attacked when a sacred word like “marriage” is used to describe a homosexual union. However, I am not opposed to using the term when there’s domestic abuse, or clandestine or open affairs. Cultures have bundled dowries and other forms of financial exchange with “marriage” and it never bothered me or my church.
  • They don’t want to confess periodically (preferably weekly) that they’re sinners for loving someone. Hey, I am perfectly accepting of gay people as long as they acknowledge they’re sinners. By refusing to do this, they’re attacking…



Eldho Kuriakose
Jesus the Nazarene

Nothing can be added or taken away from you, only uncovered.