9 Bold Ways Jet Stays Healthy

Jet.com’s team shares go-to tips for health & wellness — both in and out of the workplace.

Jet Stories
Published in
3 min readNov 21, 2016


We all know employee happiness goes beyond benefits like ping-pong and free lunch. At Jet, we believe the most impactful work environments place a strong emphasis on overall wellness, and that finding opportunities to promote a healthy lifestyle in and outside of the office helps our team members thrive.

We recently hosted Jet wellness days across all of our locations, with things like flu shots, meditation, massages and smoking cessation courses. But employees need to feel empowered to follow their own wellness path year-round. So, we did some investigating into the many ways Jet employees keep their blood pumping, brains fresh, and bank accounts thriving — and are proud to surface some of our favorites.

  1. Sitting up with smart devices

“I’ve been using Lumo Lift, a wearable that you place on your collarbone. It vibrates gently when you slouch to remind you to sit up straight. I also recommend having a buddy system: find someone who sits near you to kindly remind you to relax your shoulders when you’re hunched up!”

- Tim W. Product Manager-Mobile

2. Taking a pulse with happiness check-ins

“Every week during our team standup, each person talks about an achievement that will make them happy, and whether they accomplished what they mentioned the previous week. It helps us stay mindful of everyone’s challenges and find opportunities to help each other.”

- Joe M. Supply Chain

3. Learning the spirit of “coopetition” with CrossFit

“I do CrossFit five days a week. It’s a competitive atmosphere, but it’s also very supportive and we push each other to achieve our personal best. I find that the confidence I get from lifting heavy weights carries over into my work day.”

- Natasha V., Systems Administrator

4. Testing your limits with intermittent fasting

“I follow the leangains method. I eat throughout a period of 8 hours and then fast for 16 hours every day. I do it because I’m interesting in pushing my physical limits. Before I started, I couldn’t tolerate the sensation of hunger. Now, I feel more awake and I’m not tempted to procrastinate when I’m hungry. Once you overcome the idea that you need to be eating all the time, it gets easier.”

- Valeria L., UX-Motion Design

5. Whipping up super healthy, money-saving salads

“I bring my own salad ingredients to work each day, then top it off with healthy items from the kitchen, like egg whites, and oil and vinegar. It’s tempting to grab whatever’s available, so I find that if I plan my lunch in advance, I eat well consistently. And, it saves time and money!”

- Marcie C., Retail Team-Fashion

6. Feeling the burn with squat challenges

“A group of us participates in a 30 Day Squat Challenge. We stop what we’re doing and break a quick sweat. It breaks up the monotony, gets our adrenaline pumping, and, ultimately, builds team spirit.”

- Ivy C., Talent Business Partners

7. Zen-ing out before the workday begins

“I try to incorporate meditation into my morning routine. I wake up, make coffee, sit on the couch and meditate for about 10 minutes before I leave the house. It helps me ease into my morning. Throughout the day I notice I’m conscious of so many more signals — in conversations, my own internal thoughts, and my work in general. When I skip meditation, it’s more difficult to take in those things. My perception feels constrained.”

- Jeff P., Software Engineer-Prototyping

8. Sweating it out on the stairs

“I like to take the stairs at work every day. I have been doing it for about 5 weeks (since I quit smoking) and every day, I feel myself being able to climb them faster without having to stop and catch my breath. I encourage my colleagues to join me whenever possible.”

-Nickolas V., Jet Head Manager, Member Services

9. Kicking it on the soccer field

“I love any opportunity to break a sweat while also flexing my “teamwork” muscle…that’s why I’m part of 6 community soccer teams. I get to stay active and meet new people at the same time.”

Kaitlin C., Process Manager Outbound, Fulfillment



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