Back To School Savings Hacks For Every Busy Household

Because BTS doesn’t have to break the bank.
Jet Stories
Published in
3 min readAug 31, 2016


Didn’t we just start summer? Yet here we are, reviewing class schedules, school supply lists, and signing up for fall sports.

This time of year is a challenge for many family budgets. On average, U.S. households will spend $674 on clothes, supplies, and activity fees for back-to-school.

As always, the Jet Savings Lab has been researching unique (and occasionally unconventional) ways to stretch your dollar. Here are a few of our favorite tips to save money this fall:

1. Let Your Kids Split the Savings

When you go shopping, start by quickly finding the essentials you need for each child. Then, if they want to browse for other options for shoes, pants, pencils, and beyond, let them look around and find substitutes.

Challenge them to find options that are the same price (or less!) than the essentials you already have in the basket. Any money they save, they split with you.

This gives your kids a chance to get what they want for school, have some fun, and possibly earn a little cash in the process.

2. Save on Technology

Before paying full price for a laptop, desktop or tablet, check these sites first:

Apple Education Pricing: If your child has their eye on an Apple computer or tablet, check Apple’s Educational Pricing page and save up to 25% off a new MacBook or iMac.

Dell University: Dell has some deep discounts designed for students who are in the market for a PC. For all the details, register for the free Dell Advantage program and provide the name of your school.

Best Buy Student Deals: By creating a Best Buy account, you become eligible for exclusive student deals on computers and accessories, with current offers including $100 off a MacBook or iMac.

With a bit of research, you could save hundreds of dollars on technology by taking advantage of these programs.

3. Save on School Uniforms

If your child attends a school that requires uniforms, your back-to-school clothes shopping is simple — but not necessarily cheap.

To save money on uniforms, check with your child’s school to see if there’s a uniform-exchange program. If so, you might be able to donate outgrown uniforms, then get new ones from the swap pile for free.

If this isn’t an option, take a quick peek around a few online retailers. We particularly love’s bargain-priced French Toast uniforms that are sure to get the kids’ stamp of approval, too.

4. What About Those Pre-Packaged School Kits?

Many schools now offer pre-packaged school kits. It’s tempting to sign up for the convenience, but be warned: those kits can cost up to 30% more than purchasing the supplies on your own.

As the summer winds down and you cherish your last days of homework-free nights, carve out a little time for DIY school shopping. You’ll leave your kids stocked up and looking sharp and yourself feeling smart.

This post was written by the Jet Savings Squad, a team of research-obsessed Jet employees dedicated to uncovering the very best tips to help you save.


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